Chapter 4: Where Is He?

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Rydel's POV: Ross ended school a few hours ago and hasn't come back. I know he walked but it only takes 2 hours through the forest and it's been 5. I told Riker and mom I was leaving and drove around to see if he was lost or something. I pulled up to the school and took out my phone flashlight and pointed it around. I decided to call Riker and Rocky because I feel he went in the wood, and Im not going in there alone.

Riker's POV: I got a call from Rydel about 10 minutes after she left and she seemed scared so i started putting on my coat. (On phone with Riker and Rydel) "Hey Delly you ok?" "I dont know i went out looking for Ross. Il at his school and I think he took the forest way like we used to do. Can you and Rocky come help me?" "Of Course Rydel Rocky and I will be there in 5" (end of call). ROCKY GET DOWN HERE NOW!

Rocky's POV: I hear Riker yell my name with concern in his voice so I decided to go down stairs. "What do you want Riker?" "Rydel went looking for Ross and she needs help NOW!" Ok and wait Ross isn't home?" "Nooo we are just looking for him but he's in his bedroom." "Ugh how long has he been gone?" "Since school got out" "DUDE THAT WAS LIKE 6 HOURS AGO LETS GO!" I grab my coat and we dash in to the car and Riker starts the car and we speed to his highschool.

Riker's POV: The more I think the more scared I get for Rydel and mostly Ross His car broke so he wouldn't try and go anywhere else but home. What is he is gone? Don't think that Riker he's not gone don't think that I say to myself. I pull up to Delly's car and I see tears on her cheek and I hug her as hard as I could. "Let's go look and Rocky, Rydel and I turn on our flashlights and we head into the forest.

Rydel's POV: I started crying at the thought my little brother might be gone. I see Riker's car and i wipe my tears but he pulls me into a huge hug. We all walk into the forest with our flashlights praying Ross would be sitting in there because he wanted to look around. We walked for 30 minutes until Rocky tripped over something and screams. Ross's backpack. I start sobbing because I know he is gone. We grab his back pack and look through more of the forest and Ross isn't here. "RIKER HE'S GONE" I sob. "Shh it's ok lets call the police before he can get to far" "I'll call them" Rocky weakly says.

Rocky' POV: wow. I can't believe my little brother is gone I thought then I snapped out of it and dialed 911. "Hello this is a 911 operator, what is your emergency?" " My brother Ross Lynch has gone missing." "Ok thank you for reporting where are you exactly?" "I am in the forest behind the city high school on Beck road." " Thank you we will send investigators there by 7:00am tomorrow" "WHAT WE NEED THEM NOW HE IS GONE HE CAN BE KILLED IN THOSE 7 HOURS!" "Sir calm down we have no officers on duty for child abduction currently." "fine but be here at 7:00 am sharp" I say angrily. "The police won't be here until 7:00 am" I say. "DAMMIT" Riker screams while throwing a rock at the pond. I don't think I have seen Rydel ever like this before. She has been sobbing for the last 2 hours in this forest and I hope she is ok. I didn't even try to hold back my tears because I knew Ross was gone. "What are we going to do?" Rydel tries to say. "Find him" Riker says.


Will they find him? Thanks for reading! ~Valerie💘

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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