Chapter 8: A Battle Between Old Rivals

Start from the beginning

Angela and (Name) sat in Angela's office, looking over the results. "It looks like this model's Pokemon are well cared for," Angela said. "Her name is Vanessa Brooks. Please put her on the model log for next week's fashion show." (Name) sighed, as she didn't like Vanessa, but did as Angela told her.

"I've got Vanessa's measurements here," (Name) told Angela. "I can start on her outfit, if you would like."

"That would be great, (Name)," Angela replied absentmindedly, not noticing the evil grin on (Name)'s face. (Name) and Espeon hurried to the sewing room, where (Name) smoothed out the paper.

"Espeon, they better be ready for a show," (Name) said to her Pokemon, grinning. She went over to the PC and put away her Starmie, retrieving her Leavanny's Pokeball. "Leavanny, come and help me now!"

"Leavanny!" Leavanny answered. 'Translation: I'll always be ready to help. But aren't those measurements a little off?' (Name) smirked.

"No, Leavanny, they're perfect. Trust me on this one. Now can you help me sew?" Leavanny looked at (Name) in bewilderment but began to work on the outfit anyway.

The whole time, Espeon was snickering while it watched her owner and Leavanny make the giant over-sized dress for Vanessa. "(Name)?" (Name) jumped.

"Oh, it's only you, Gary. Jeez, don't ever do that again, you gave me a heart attack," (Name) sighed in relief, mentally celebrating that it wasn't Angela. Gary sent her a weird look.

"Hey... well, that's a nice dress you've got there..." he said awkwardly. "Wait, scratch that, it looks absolutely hideous." (Name) just grinned.

"Well, it fits the personality of who's gonna wear this just perfectly! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and hang this up in the rack so it'll be ready for the fashion show!" A big smile on her face, (Name) walked out of the room with Espeon and Leavanny hot on her heels.

"What a weirdo..." Gary muttered as he watched the (h/c) haired girl go.

Later, after work, Gary and (Name) were in the apartment- arguing. What exactly had started this argument? Well, Gary's arrogance and (Name)'s short temper had gotten the best of them.\

"Ugh! Why the heck are you so annoying?!" (Name) exclaimed, glaring daggers at the brunette.

"Well, at least I'm not a weakling like you are!" Gary retorted. Big mistake right there.

"You idiot! Don't you know that I'm Kalos's Lady?! The strongest trainer in the region?!" she exploded.

"Oh yeah?! I don't think you can even beat me!" Gary shouted in reply. (Name)'s glare didn't falter.

"Wanna bet on it?" she asked him coldly. Gary returned the glare with equal force.

"Sure, why not?" Reaching for his Pokeballs, Gary took out six of them. "Let's have a full battle."

"Fine." (Name) went to her Pokemon PC and got out her famous powerhouses. "Let's see which one of us is better after all of these years."

The two teens, fueled by their anger, went to the local battlefield, where practice battles constantly took place. Although this wasn't a practice. To them, it was war.

"Electivire, I choose you," Gary said, releasing the powerful yellow and black striped Pokemon.

"Garchomp, come on out!" (Name) countered, releasing the ferocious Dragon-Ground Pokemon.

"Electivire, use Hyper Beam!" Gary commanded.

"Garchomp, quick, use Dig to dodge!" (Name) countered.

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