Chapter 6 - First Case : Phantom Thief Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

Everyone in the meeting room once again nodded and were amazed at Shao Fei's thinking. Everything he said made sense.

"Still, we don't know why this particular thief steal this way at all," Zhao Li An said with a puzzled look on his face.

"That's true," Huang Yi Qi said as she sighed.

"Wait, then it means that Edison Song is not our phantom thief after all," Jun Wei said as he scratched his head.

"Phantom thief?" A Zhi looked at Jun Wei with confusion plastered on his face.

Jun Wei looked at him with a startled look and pointed at Zhao Li An, "That's what Zhao Li An calls the culprit."

A Zhi looked at Zhao Li An, who was slightly embarrassed. Shaking his head as he chuckled, he faced Huang Yi Qi who was explaining about Edison Song's status.

"Regarding Edison Song, he was under tight surveillance the entire time in the hospital. He also spent the entire night in the hospital bed in a handcuff. There was no way he could've escaped," Huang Yi Qi reported.

Shao Fei nodded.

"Should we still investigate Edison Song?" Zhao Li An asked.

"Since he's not part of this phantom thief case anymore, we're handing him over to the normal investigators of our police department," Shao Fei answered as he flipped the pages of the report on his hand.

"So what's the plan, Shao Fei?" Zhao Li An asked with some enthusiasm.

Closing the folder on his hand, Shao Fei said unhurriedly but with a serious tone, "Zhao Li An and I will continue interviewing the victims and see if there are any clues that the phantom thief have left behind. Jun Wei would go to different stores and investigate if there's a new supplier who tried to sell the store owners new or used items. A Zhi, I want you to look at the files of the people with abilities who seemed to be capable of being undetected. Lastly, Huang Yi Qi, I want you to take care of handing Edison Song's case to the normal investigators."

With the orders given by their team leader and head of the Supernatural Investigation Department, everyone stood up and proceeded to work.

Outside the police department, Zhao Li An and Shao Fei were discussing the phantom thief case when suddenly Zhao Li An realized that he forgot his cellphone inside the building. Shao Fei only shook his head and told him to meet him in his old black car as he walked away. Zhao Li An quickly nodded to his superior.

Before he went inside, Zhao Li An quickly checked his pockets once again. To his surprise, when he pulled out his wallet from one of his pockets, a familiar item fell on the ground. It was the mixed black and gold colored metal lighter from yesterday. He forgot that he put the lighter in his pocket last night.

Shrugging, he put the lighter back inside the pocket and went inside the police station to get his phone. Little did he know that someone started to observe him not too far away from the police station.

When Zhao Li An got his phone back, he immediately went out to meet Shao Fei in his old black car in the parking lot. The two then went straight to one of the victims' houses that was not too far away from 8th street and a small pig farm. Not too long after they left, they were followed by the same man earlier who was riding a standard yet polished black motorcycle and wearing a protective red helmet.

As they arrived at their destination, Zhao Li An started asking questions to the small old lady in her 60's while Shao Fei was checking her house for clues.

"At first, I didn't really notice that something went missing, but then I remembered the news report about mass robbery yesterday, so I checked. I found out that the small green box where I usually put my coins was gone," she sighed, "I mean I live alone in this house.... and also my memory is still sharp, so there was no way I misplaced it. I'm sure that it was that thief that did it!"

Zhao Li An took notes as he continued to ask her questions, "Did you not hear any weird noises at all last night?"

The old lady shook her head, "No. I mean, all I could hear last night are those noises of the pigs in that small pig farm over there, but I mean those noises are quite normal here. Anyways, I've never really heard any noises at all. That thief must be some kind of ghost, I tell you."

Zhao Li An continued his interrogation, but there was no new information or clue that could help them find the phantom thief.

When Shao Fei came out of the room, Zhao Li An asked, "Did you find anything?"

Shao Fei shook his head as he came out of the house.

Before Zhao Li An followed him, he said goodbye to the old lady and left.

When he came out of the house, he saw that Shao Fei was on the phone.

"What is it, Huang Yi Qi?" Shao Fei asked.

"Edison Song escaped the hospital! The two police who were guarding him were all unconscious, but thankfully unharmed. The chief is handing this case to us again. Right now, I'm checking the security camera footage," Huang Yi Qi answered.

"Alright, I'm heading there right now," Shao Fei replied as he lightly pinched the bridge of his nose due to slight frustration. They had not made much progress with the phantom thief case when another case decided to show up. Another problem to be solved.

"What happened Shao Fei?" Zhao Li An asked as he approached his partner.

Shao Fei quickly explained what happened. He then ordered Zhao Li An to continue interviewing the victims. Even though every victim that the two of them had interviewed had similar statements, he thought that they might still find a clue that would help them solve this case of the phantom thief.

"Leave this matter to me, Shao Fei!" Zhao Li An saluted with a smile.

Seeing the bright expression of his partner, Shao Fei nodded as his frustration lessened. He smiled afterward as he patted the shorter policeman's head. He realized that it was too early for him to feel defeated and frustrated.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," Shao Fei replied.

"Ok!" Zhao Li An continued.

Shao Fei quickly ran to his car and left to go to the hospital.

Zhao Li An was about to go to the house next to the old lady's house when he saw a familiar figure that was walking leisurely towards the entrance of a small pig farm not too far away from him. It was the teleporting black pig!

"So, that's where you live," Zhao Li An slyly smiled.

Yet before he ran towards the black pig, his left arm was pulled by a mysterious person.

As soon as Zhao Li An looked back, he was shocked.

"You? What are you doing here?"


Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the long update. I've been really busy, but here ya go! If you see mistakes, just let me know.

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