Chapter 5: Thinking... About... You?

Start from the beginning

"Fabulous job, (Name). You have real potential. Why don't you bring it to Daniel so it can be photographed for next week's magazine?" I froze.

"Wait... Buneary's gonna be in next week's magazine?!" I blurted excitedly. I couldn't believe this was really happening!

"Yes! Now go!" Angela said, small smile playing on her lips as she shoved be towards Daniel, the cameraman. After working as an intern for about a year, it looked like I might finally get a little fame.

"Hey, Daniel, Angela wants Buneary to appear in next week's issue. Is it a problem to fit her in?" I asked, handing Buneary to him.

"No, not at all," he replied, shooting me a smile with his perfect white teeth. Teeth that reminded me of Gary's and that blinding smile that made his fan girls go crazy...

"Ugh, why do I keep thinking about him?" I muttered to myself under my breath. Daniel looked at me worriedly.

"Dod you say something? Are you okay?" He asked. I sent him a weak smile and said I was just fine. Yeah, that's right. Just fine.

"Dan!!!" A voice screeched. I prepared myself. Her name was Bonnie, and although she was a very talented designer, she was also a spoiled brat who stopped at nothing to get what she wanted. "Vileplume's ready for another picture to be taken!" She shoved me out of the wah as she made her way to Daniel.

"We have no more room, Bonnie, the last space was taken by (Name)'s Buneary," Daniel informed her. Bonnie whirled and shot me a dirty look. What a brat.

"You better back out now! I'm sure my Vileplume will look a hundred times better in that magazine than your Buneary will!" Bonnie yelled at me. What was she trying to do, kill my eardrums?

"Sorry, but I don't want to. You can wait for the following week's issue. I did get my Buneary here first, after all." Before she could say anything else, Daniel quickly snapped the photo.

"Bonnie, we're done here. Vileplume can be in the following week's issue, like (Name) said." Bonnie glared at me and stormed out of the studio with her wretched Vileplume, which had way too much perfume on it.

"What a drama queen," I snorted as I accepted Buneary from Daniel. He chuckled; he was probably used to her attitude anyway- he had to work with her for all these years!

"She's better once you get to know her," he said. "She cares a lot about designing and is really competitive. I guess it sort of ticks her off how someone as new as you are can just come in and show all of this natural talent. It's hard to believe you've only been interning here for a year."

"That's flattering," I told the middle aged man honestly. "I thought at first that my future career was gonna be all about Pokemon battling. But I guess not." I rubbed Buneary's ears.

"Well if you don't remember, you're going around carrying the title of Kalos's Lady with you," Daniel remarked with a smile.

"Yeah, well, my life doesn't really feel complete. I know I'm only seventeen and everything, but I feel like something's missing..."

"Don't worry. You'll figure it out. You're a smart girl, (Name)." I smiled and thanked him even though I knew exactly what was missing.

Later, I heard several girls squealing in the dressing room and I went to go check and see if things were okay. "Oh Arceus, he is soooo hot," a model gushed, fanning herself.

"Ya, totes, and I can't believe he's coming to OUR studio to check out the Pokemon here... and maybe the models too," another said hopefully.

"I can totes get him to ask me out," a third said. Curiousity was taking over me. Who were they even talking about anyway?

"Who?" I blurted. "Who's coming here?" The models whirled and sent me snobbish looks. Ugh, how I hate them.

"Well, you little designer, for your information, Gary Oak is coming here," the first girl said, swooning. GARY?!

"Who cares about a dumbass like him?" I snorted. "He's such an arrogant bastard. And before you ask, yes, I did know him." And I loved him... WAIT WHAT?!?!

"Look, just because you're Kalos's Lady and all that crap, does not mean you can say stupid stuff about Gary and tell lies!" The third model yelled.

"WELL I CAN SAY WHATEVER I WANT BECAUSE I DID KNOW HIM, AND HE WAS INDEED A DUMBASS, AN ARROGANT JERK, AND EVERYTHING ELSE I WOULD NEVER WANT TO SEE IN ANYBODY!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My heart hurt and my eyes stung with tears, but I didn't care.

"Bun-ear," Buneary warned me, but I ignored her. I was so done with all of this. The week Gary was coming, I was taking off from work.

"Come on, Buneary, let's get out of here," I say. Buneary hangs her head sadly as she follows me into the streets of Lumiose, heading for our little apartment. Oh, crap. I realized something.

What if even though Gary won't visit our studio until next week, he's already here... in Lumiose City? I froze right in front of the Lumiose Tower.

"Well, I never thought I'd see you here, (Name)." I heard a smirk in the voice. Oh crap, of course, I had the worst luck in the entire world.

My long (h/c) hair billowed in the wind, shading my view of the figure in front of me slightly. My (e/c) eyes met his green ones. "Gary."

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