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By the time they arrived back at the shrine, the boy was unconscious on Shigure's back. He slammed open the door and stepped in, startling the shrine maidens.
"Master Shigure!" They all gathered around him.
"Master, who is this? Why is there so much blood?" Milan asked.
"Neved you mind, I'm fine. This boy is hurt and he needs my help. We must hurry, he's lost a lot of blood." Shigure said urgently.
"Right away, sir!" The girls scattered to grab him what he needed for the boy. Shigure carefully lowered the child onto a bamboo mat that one of the maidens laid out. He gently placed his head on the cushion.
"Master Shigure, your robe!" Mikan fussed, pointing at the soiled garment. She came over and helped him remove the outer robe.
"Thank you, Mikan." He said with a smile. Mikan bowed and smiled back. "Right." Shigure said, his voice becoming serious. He reached to the boy and peeled off his robe, revealing the wounds and a body full of scarlet tattoos. He rolled up his sleeves snd got to work. He first washed out the wounds to prevent infection, then used a slave to stop the bleeding.
Shigure's daughter, who had been peering out from around the corner, walked over slowly. She kneeled down next to the boy.
"Papa, will he be okay?" She asked, her face showing clear concern.
"He should be fine, Emiko." Shigure replied, grabbing the bandages. Emiko fixated on the kitsune's ears. She reached out and touched one gently. He immediately awoke, snapping towards the girl with a quick movement and growling. She yelped, scooting away.
"Emiko, you mustn't touch him! He's in great pain!" Shigure snapped. "It is alright, kitsune, she will not hurt you. She is my daughter." He continued gently, helping the boy to settle back down.
"I-I'm sorry, papa." Emiko said shakily, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"Don't be sorry, my dear, you didn't do anything wrong." Shigure replied. He turned his attention back to the boy, who was now staring at him.
"Can you speak?" Shigure asked. The boy nodded slowly in reply. "I am going to ask you some questions, is that okay?" The boy nodded again. Shigure smiled.
"What is your name, first and foremost? Mine is Shigure."
"Chi...aki..." The boy replied slowly, his voice hoarse.
"Chiaki." Shigure repeated. "That means autumn. That is very pretty!" Chiaki rolled his eyes.
"Chiaki!!" Emiko giggled.
"Stop saying it!" The boy complained. Shigure blinked at him and started laughing.
"The boy has spark!" He exclaimed. Chiaki closed his eyes in embarrassment. "Next question. Are you all alone?" Shigure's smile faded. "Do you have a home? A family?" Chiaki shook his head no grimly, looking off to the side.
"Maybe he can stay with us!" Emiko exclaimed happily. Shigure shook his head slowly, his warm smile coming back.
"Your heart is so big." He chuckled. Emiko giggled, scooting closer again. Chiaki looked at her for a moment then looked away. Shigure thought he saw the smallest of grins.
"What are these?" He asked, gesturing towards Chiaki's tattoos.
"I...I dont know, I've had them for as long as I can remember." He replied slowly, thinking about his words. Shigure nodded.
"What attacked you?" He asked. As he did he helped Chiaki into a sitting position. He used the bandage to wrap Chiaki's waist. Chiaki winced.
"A wolf." He replied. He didn't say much more than that. Shigure looked at him in understanding. "I see. You're lucky you're alive." Shigure said, tying off the gauze.
"How old are you!!!" Emiko cut in, now right next to Chiaki. Her face was bright and excited. Chiaki's cheeks flushed a little.
"A-ah, um...eight years old..." He replied, avoiding eye contact. Emiko gasped, bouncing up and down.
"I'm seven!" She exclaimed. Chiaki gave an awkward laugh.
"Can we stop with the questions now?"
Shigure clapped once and stretched. "I do believe that's all I had to ask." Chiaki gave a sigh of relief.
"However-," Chiaki groaned. "It seems that whether you like it or not you will have to stay with us for a while, especially with a wound like that."
Emiko gave a wide, open mouthed smile. "Really?!" She squealed. She jumped up and ran over to Shigure, tackling him. Shigure gave a hearty laugh. Chiaki looked away, his grin fading.
"You would let a kitsune stay with you?" He asked softly. Shigure nodded slowly and stood, his movements graceful. He walked over to a drawer and rummaged for a moment, retiring with two necklaces in hand.
Chiaki sat up, looking at him suspiciously. Emiko stared with wonder.
"I will let you stay, as long as you promise you will protect my daughter." Shigure said firmly. His face looked so serious in that moment as his green eyes stared into Chiaki's. It was silent.
"I...I promise." Chiaki said with assurance, almost as if he was in a trance. Emiko looked at him with a smile, her cheeks growing rosy.
"Good." Shigure clasped his hands together over the necklaces, saying a prayer under his breath. The scarlet, square shaped jewel glowed in response. He held one necklace out towards Chiaki.
"What is this for?" Chiaki asked, staring at the beautiful jewel.
"It is a seal. It will keep your powers at bay as you grow, and it will connect you and my daughter for as long as you live." Shigure replied.
Chiaki looked down at his bandaged hands, gripping them into fists. He nodded after a moment and bowed his head. "I accept."
Shigure bowed back and placed the seal over Chiaki's head. Chiaki trembled for a moment, a shiver running down his spine.
Shigure held out the other necklace and turned towards his daughter. "Emiko, my dear, this one is for you." Emiko nodded and bowed her head knowingly, as if she had done this before. Shigure placed the necklace over her head.
"These necklaced hereby bind you together. You will not be able to remove them." He said. "Chiaki, you will still hace your powers, but they will be diluted for our safety." Chiaki nodded again slowly.
"Why will you go to such lengths to protect her?" Chiaki asked. Shigure gave a disheartened chuckle, as if he knew this was coming. "I know it may seem a little over protective. Emiko's mother died long ago due to a curse that drew evil spirits to her. Ever since she was born, Emiko has been plagued with the same curse. I do not want my only daughter to fall to the same fate."
"..." Chiaki looked at Emiko thoughtfully, who was now looking down at her hands. She looked so sad. That was when Chiaki knew for sure.
"I will protect her with my life. I swear on it."

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