Chapter 1: the Beginning

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Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze was about to be born. He will be the Jailor for the Kyuubi no Yoko.

The date? Well, obviously it's October 10. Not a very good date in the history of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, or Konohagakure no Sato. Konoha for short.

Minato Namikaze, father of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, and son of a son of Horus. Horus is a Hawk-headed god of Ancient Egypt. This means Minato's grandfather is a god. His father died shortly after Minato's birth. His earliest memory is moving to Konoha with his mother, Aiko Namikaze. Aiko Namikaze was a loving woman, who cared deeply for her son, but died from a mysterious desease shortly before making it to Konoha. Minato grew up to be the Yondaime Hokage, and married Kushina Uzumaki.

Minato also had a special Dojutsu. The Dojutsu was called Takagan. What the Takagan did was enhance the users eyesight similar to that of a hawk. It allowed for the user to see slight muscle spasms which allows one to predict movement much like the Sharingan can, and to see very far away(like a zoom feature on a camera. A really really good camera.)

Mickey Mouse then said, "This is a secret tool that will be used later

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Mickey Mouse then said, "This is a secret tool that will be used later."(Sorry just had to. Also this is what the Takagan looks like. Seeing as it was hard to describe I chose to put a picture of it.)

During the birthing progress of Naruto, a masked man with a lone Sharing an attacked. He killed every ANBU guard, doctor, and even the midwife, Bikoto Sarutobi, who was the Sandaime Hokage's wife. The masked man ripped the Kyuubi right of Kushina.

It was in the masked man's mind the perfect time to do so. The seal holding back the Kyuubi was at it's weakest. (Not that the Kyuubi would want to be out of the seal. He had a great relationship with Kushina, and even thought of Naruto as his own kit. All though he's never admit all of that.)

When the Kyuubi was out of the seal, he was placed in a Genjutsu. As the Kyuubi was destroying the village, Minato was fighting the masked man.

Suddenly the Kyuubi was teleported far from the village, and freed from the Genjutsu. Then Minato teleported to his wife, and child. And teleported back to the Kyuubi. Minato then asked , "Kyuubi, may I seal you into Naruto?"

But the Kyuubi was still under the influence of the Genjutsu, but not by much. He brought his clawed paw up, intending to bring it down to kill Naruto. When Minato saw this he ran in front of the claw. When this happened the Kyuubi says, " Sorry Minato, Kushina. My mind was still hazy from the Genjutsu. I'd love... I mean I wouldn't hate to be sealed into Naruto. I'll protect him with my life."

Minato then seal the great beast into his son, and died from it, blood loss, and chakra exhaustion. Kushina cried, while holding her son.

That is when Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage asked, "What happened?"

Kushina, still crying for the loss of her husband said, "Hiruzen-sama. Minato-kun is dead. He did the Consuming Reaper Death seal, and sealed the Kyuubi into Naruto. He told me he had the perfect candidate for Hokage though. The person he felt had the Will of Fire perfectly. "

The Sandaime then asked, "Who is this person?"

Kushina said, "Itachi Uchiha. All though I told him that Itachi-kun was too young. Minato agreed with me on that point. With him being more than a couple years younger than Kakashi-kun. With him being fifteen, and all, Minato-kun was going to ask you to be Hokage until Itachi was of age to take the hat."

The old Hokage thought it over. A fifteen year old Hokage would sure shock the Elemental Nations. Most would think that Konoha was insane. So he being the smart, wise, and old Kage that he was, decided to put the hat on one more time. He nodded to Kushina, as she was getting escorted to the hospital.

Back to Hiruzen who was now in a meeting with the council. On the right side sat the Shinobi Council. Who made up the Shinobi Council? Well, all the Clan heads from the Uchiha Clan, Hyuga Clan, Inuzuka Clan, Nara Clan, Yamanaka Clan, Akimichi Clan, and Aburame Clans. On the left side sat the Civilian Council, which is made up of mainly business owners, rich people, and the Village Elders. Who are the Village Elders? Well, they are three really old people about Hiruzen's age, and are retired Shinobi. Guess you wanted their names didn't you? Well their names are Homura Mitokado, Danzo Shimura, and Koharu Utatane. Homura, and Koharu truly have the village first mentality, but Danzo is still salty from not becoming the Sandaime Hokage.

The Sandaime said, "I Hiruzen Sarutobi will be the Hokage until Minato's successor is of age, and has some more experience."

Fugaku then asked the question on everyone's mind, "Who is the Yondaime's successor?"

The Sandaime said, "Your son, Itachi."

Danzo then said, "That is unacceptable. I heard that the Kyuubi was controlled. I heard that he had a sharigan in it's eyes. Having a Uchiha as Hokage would defile this great village. Plus what about the Yondaime, and his wife, the Kyuubi?"

Only a few knew that Minato was married. He kept it from the village, because he was afraid that his enemies would attack his wife, and child. So a private wedding ceremony was conducted, with only their closest family, and friends. Which meant all of the Clan Heads attended the wedding.

All though the people of the Village suppected that their Yondaime was married. How else was the same woman coming to his office every day at the same time with lunch not be a wife, or at least girlfriend of some sort.

Fugaku had an unusual glare in his eyes. He was estatic that Itachi is the Yondaime's successor. He also wanted to protect his best friend's wife, and child. He'd do it in Minato's steed, but he's sure that Minato already had that in mind. Fugaku then glares at Danzo, and then said, " Hn(Touch Kushina, and her child, you'll meet an untimely death.)"

the Sandaime said, "Danzo that is enough.  The only Uchiha known to be able to control a Biju is Madara Uchiha, and he's dead. So don't say anything without proof. If the Yondaime said that Itachi Uchiha is going to be his successor. Itachi will goddamn be the Godaime Hokage. The Yondaime sadly  died fighting the Kyuubi. Kushinaz and their child is safe, and sound in the hospital as we speak. So their is no need to worry, especially from you Danzo, but if you truly want to know. They have my personal ANBU guard detail guarding them, so no harm will come to them. The Kyuubi is none of the Civilian Council's business. It is for the Shinobi, an Village Elders only. so if I could ask for said council to leave, it be really appreciated?" The old Kage watched as the Civilian Council left, and then continued, "I have no authority to release that information, but Kushina can. That's if she wants to that is. So we'll wait for her to grieve the loss of her husband, and start her career as a mother. This is final."

The Sandaime then beckons the Civilian Council back into the meeting room, and said, "If that is it? Then the meeting is finished. dismissed."

Everyone then left the room. Fugaku, along with his wife, Mikoto would see Kushina in the morning. Well that is what all on the Shinobi Council thought anyway. They were all friends be with Minato's and Kushina. They'd would protect her, and her child with their lives.

The next morning Kushina walked around the hospital. Mainly around the baby ward. Her friends told her what Danzo said, and worried about her Naruto. When she got in front of the window she saw the tuff of golden blonde hair, blue eyes, and the three whisker marks, and smiled.

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