Part 5 : He's the Boss

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His words echo in my head.

"I'm not ready to let you go!"

Why do I feel like I belong to him?

I want to be HIS!

Never before have I wanted something so much than to belong to this man.

For him to belong to me.

He's mesmerising. I look into his eyes and feel like I'm being hypnotised.

BUT, how is IT, that the only man I've ever been interested in is a 6-foot Greek God look alike MILLIONAIRE... who just happens to be....

My New BOSS!!!!

"But.... You're my Boss!"
I sigh and look back outside at the rain. It's obvious that I don't know what to do.

"And... As your boss... I'm responsible for you being here...SO, I'm offering you shelter and protection from a storm. I need to keep you safe! Can you think of it like that?"

YES... I can tell myself that, however I feel my body clenching with need for him. Should I be feeling like this about my Boss?  A Boss, I've just met!

Suddenly, a large flash of lightning makes the decision for me. It's bright white fork sparks up outside. The rain is highlighted, coming down diagonally and crashing onto the pavement.

Inside the club, the lights flicker, rapidly and then go out completely. We're plunged into darkness. The music stops and there's a whoop and some cheers from everyone. People rush to the front, looking out of the windows as the air crackles with electricity.

I gasp, struggling with my own internal storm and feel Cans arms hold me tighter to him. The fabric of his suit is stretched under the strain of bulging biceps.

I can't see anything, but I can feel his hard body pressed close to mine. I can smell the cologne on his neck, so close to my nose. His fingers run up my back and along my bare arm. 

His breath is warm near my cheek and I instinctively turn towards it, wanting to feel his mouth on mine again. He finds my lips so easily, as if he can see me, in the dark.

The kiss is all him this time, possessive and hard but it's also slow and deep and I respond.

I have no experience at all... Which is why it's such a surprise to me when my lips seem to know exactly what to do.

They merge with his perfectly.

I let him show me what he wants and allow myself to be taught. One of his hands has moved up to my head and is holding my face. Tilting it while his thumb rubs in the hollow of my cheek.

When I feel his tongue link with mine, I moan and enjoy the soft wet sucking sounds that would normally have not been so audible had the band still been playing.

He still tastes of the whisky and I find that I like his flavour very much. I also like the tingling sensation of his beard on my skin. He smells like a clean forest. Fresh and natural. I hear cupboards and doors being opened and closed. Everyone one of my senses is extra sensitive. People start moving around, but nothing can distract me from the feel of him in my mouth.

He ends the kiss and I sway towards him as he pulls back. I feel his thumb caress my bottom lip and then he releases me.

I didn't even realise that I was standing still, my eyes closed... Until I open them and see that candles have now been lit and are scattered on the tables and on the bar. It looks so romantic... And yet I'm standing alone.

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