Master Jeon 6: Don't Tell Me What I Don't Want

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I gazed at Jimin, waiting to hear his response. He hesitated again. "Y-yeah, I mean, he's my boss, so-" There was no way they dated. I mean, was he even Jimin's type? Jimin was highly picky about the men he dated and last time I checked, he wasn't into BDSM, or was he? On second thought, Jimin tended to need some source of control in his life and a Dominant was perfect for that-

I gasped.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned him, clutching my invisible pearls. Jimin gulped and scooted back in his chair. It was a sign of guilt, putting space between us. "T-tell you what?" He tried. He knew exactly what I was talking about, yet he avoided it. Jimin, out of all people, knew I couldn't be fooled.

"I'm trustworthy, aren't I? I mean, it's not against company policy and I wasn't even working here before so who was I going to tell? On top of that, Jungkook's the boss, he can fuck whoever he wants... no pun intended." I rambled when I was uncomfortable and at that moment, finding out the man I was developing a crush on was dominating my best friend made my chest a little heavy. Jimin shushed me. "Shut up!" He whisper-yelled, waving his hands at me like he was trying to shove the words back into my mouth.

It was too late. The cat was out of the bag.

The information only slightly surprised me after seeing the painting. Jimin had always been experimental when it came to sex and I was sure submission helped him stay grounded. I just didn't like that it was with Jungkook.

I leaned back in my chair after signing everything and Jimin refused to look me in the eyes. I wanted to know why he was so shy about all this and why he didn't tell me a word about it. Moreover, I was surprised that I didn't pick up on it sooner. You'd think someone who was getting laid would act like it.

"S-so, is it just sex, or are you two dating?" I asked him. Jimin pursed his lips. "It was just sex. But it ended almost a year ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him, frowning. Sure, Jimin was entitled to his secrecy, but if I was getting drilled by a sexy rich man, he would have been the first to know.

"I-I don't know... I guess I just felt kinda guilty. I mean, he's my boss..."


"So, I didn't want anyone to think I was sleeping with him to get promoted."

"You think I would think that about you?" I questioned him. "No, about you, I just... you saw what was in his room, right? What he's into? I didn't want you to know I'm a submissive."

"Jimin, I don't care what gets you off. It's not my place to judge you for it. In fact, I think it's good for you. H-how long have you been a submissive?" my curiosity outweighed my discomfort.

Everyone was the way they were for a reason and Jimin was no exception. Jimin liked domination because it helped him stay grounded with his OCD. If he relinquished control to someone else, he didn't feel so responsible for his compulsions and suppressing them. His need to have control over his disorder reflected into his sexual preferences and letting go of control was a safe space for him.

"A few years now."

How did I miss that?

"Oh... well I would never judge you, Jimin. You always judge yourself and this is why you struggle with contamination."

"Well, I can't really help it, Tae. I've been dealing with this shit since high school. I can't just stop."

"Well if BDSM is helping you, why did you stop?" I was relieved to know that Jimin and Jungkook weren't a current thing, but also quite curious as to what stopped them. "Like I said, I was guilty, and on top of that, I didn't want things to go too far. Sometimes, in those types of relationships, people start to catch feelings. I didn't want that to happen on either of our parts."

Master Jeon *Taekook*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora