Part 3- Meet him

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The door rang at nine o'clock. Elicia ran to open it but her disappointment could be betrayed by her serious expression. 

Claudia Simpson with a red tight dress made her entrance. Her face was glistering due to the exaggerating makeup. She was naturally beautiful but probably she wanted to be absolutely noticed by Mr. Sutton.

"You can wait in the small living room. Mr. Sutton hasn't come yet."


Elicia came totally angry to the kitchen.

"No entiendo! Is this woman better than me?"

"Elicia. No Spanish in here and behave yourself." Sarita said.

"Mum, it's so unfair. He should notice me."

"You are a simple maid and you must do your job and not fantasize men like him."

Elicia got really angry, so she declared that she wasn't going to help with dinner and went back to her bedroom.

Sarita was really displeased with her daughter's decision to leave like that but she had Amy as she told her.

Amy asked Claudia if she wanted something to drink and with her totally full lips she responded to her that she needed a Cosmopolitan.

"She needs a Cosmopolitan," she told Sarita.

"My language doesn't allow me to tell you what she really needs."

Amy laughed a bit but then she started preparing the drink.

She used to be a barwoman in a small restaurant and that's why she had a few drink recipes in mind.

If she wanted to work in a good hotel, everything should be known even the smallest details.

"Here you are, miss."

"Oh, thanks."

When Amy turned to go back to the kitchen, the tall figure of her new boss was coming towards her.

"Bring me a whiskey, too," he said seriously and very eye focused to Claudia passing Amy.

Amy just nodded and smiled but there was a small disappointment. She expected him to be more polite with the people who take care of him.

She served them the meal and while she was doing it, he touched a lock of Claudia's hair. 

"Hmm...It's really good, babe. But I can't wait for the dessert." she said.

He didn't answer, though, he gave her an irresistibly devastating grin.

After their dinner, Amy was gathering the plates while they were cuddling by the pool.

His way of touching that woman was overwhelming. It was so strange that she got affected by a man she barely knew. 

Continuing cleaning the table, she tingled as she heard her first name from his husky voice.


"Yes...yes, sir?" 

She blinked, then she focused her gaze.

"Bring us some champagne in my bedroom," he said and put his hand in Claudia's waist to lead her there.

Lucky woman, she thought. 

"You like him." she heard Elisa saying behind her back. 



"Men like him are not my cup of tea."

"Why? Is it because he is handsome, charismatic and so mysterious that makes you deadly curious to learn about him from the bottom to the top?"

Amy remained calm not showing any kind of emotion that would betray her possible attractthat in the very end was instantaneous. 

"I'm here to serve this man, not fall in love with him. I have needs that any man could not fulfill," she replied.

Elisa chuckled like she didn't believe her but Amy couldn't care less. 

This job was vital and if she lost it, she would have to go back to her alcoholic father. 

No. Never again.

She took the last plates and then walked to the cellar to pick a bottle of champagne.

Giving a gentle knock on the door of his bedroom, he let her pass.

They both seemed flushed as they had already started kissing and doing the rest.

She put it on the table that left the breakfast. Then her teeth found her lower lip chewing it and stole a look at him. She found him watching her causing her quickly to drop her eyes. 

"Would you like anything else?" she said still having her eyes on the floor.

"No, you may go and rest for tonight."

"As you wish."

When she got out of there, her hands were trembling and tried to stand on the cold marble wall.

Perhaps Elicia was in a way right. Amy had never seen a man so charming. 

His frame could be easily written in a romantic story and imagine a perfect man like him. But he existed.

Maybe he is not a good person though, she thought. Men like him have a lifestyle that does not allow them to see what means to be authentic with no interest in people's surface. He had a very expensive car, a beautiful model for a girlfriend and suits with the very known brands.

Amy sighed and moved to her bedroom. Taking off her clothes, she really looked forward to having a bath for the first time in that gorgeous bathroom. 

Opposite the shower, there was a big window and her instinct warned her to check if anyone could be outside. But that would be impossible since there was only forest and in the background the city of LA.

Her body was enjoying the way the water was pouring on it. Touching every part of her body to wash it, a crazy image popped in her head. HIs sculptured body on hers. But she quickly got that thought out. 

With her bathrobe, she went outside her balcony to see the view by night. The air was so fresh and a small wind hit her face. Then she noticed a weird sound from the forest that made her anxious. Perhaps it was a raccoon, she thought, that would look for something to eat. But then the sound got more intense. She tried to see through the dark forest but she didn't insist. 

Turning to go inside, she chilled to the bone in front of a man's present not clearly understood.

"Don't be afraid. It's me. Garrett."

"God! What are you doing down here?"

"I heard the noise too, so I decided to check it."

"But...but you don't live here."

"I will spend the night here because I have to finish this Scandinavian storage by tomorrow." 

"Oh. Well, I'll go to sleep. See you in the morning."

"How was your first day by the way?"

Amy sighed inside her. She didn't want to have any further relationship with him and becoming friends wasn't in her plans there.


She turned to leave but he caught her by her arm.

"Amy. I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm very lonely in this place. Everyone hates me and I really need to feel that you don't."

"I met you today, so it would be silly to have feelings of detest."

He smiled at her and she did the same. 

"I can really tell you that you are an incredible woman."


Without realizing it, Garrett brought his body closer to hers and pressed his lips on hers.

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