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Ash p.o.v

I check the time again and its twelve o'clock, midnight. I get up and grab two bags. The first bag i fill with the few pairs of clothes i have and four books; dracula, Divine comedy, grimm's complete fairy tales, and frankenStein. I then sneak out of my room and go to my moms room. I hear no noises and guess that her and her little fuck buddy are done. I go in and look around for her money. I found it in a box and take out how much id need for going on a plane and to Romania. I search through the box a little more and see the forms she uses for when she sells me to men. I shove them back into the box and walk out and get my other bag to fill with some food. Then i take both bags my passport then look around the small room. Everything i had was able to fit into two small bags. Pitiful. I grab my wallet and walk out of the house. 

 After the plane ride i take a bus to Transylvania. I have no clue what i'm doing. I've never been out of the country. Hell i haven't been out if the state. As i look around the bus i see that there is not many people. Then out of the corner of my eye i swear i see it. The man in white that carries a knife. 
 Im sure i saw him a few times on the way to the airport to.  I lean my head against the window watching the outside. I've seen pictures of transylvania and its nice. Plus no one will miss me. I have no friends. My mom will only be upset that she won't be making a few hundred dollars a week. But she still will sell herself making money that way.  I've also heard that monsters have come out of hiding. Maybe i'll see them. It'll be cool to meet count dracula. 
 I eventually get off the bus and start walking around the town. Then i see him again the man in white. I stare at him as he gets the knife out and starts to approach me. So. I run. I run with one bag over my should the other clutched to my chest. 
 I eventually run into the woods and keep running the man still behind me. I jump over logs and avoid branches and i hear the man continue to stay behind me. I'm pretty sure I even hear wolves howling in the distance. 

 I run for a long time in the woods not tired. And it eventually becomes night. Then i see a palace on a cliff. I run to it and see that the doors are open. I smile and run in to see that the room is packed... with monsters. Good means i can hide in a crowed. So i walk into the crowd. I notice that the man leaves so i start to make my way back to the doors so i can go back to town. I obviously don't belong here either. I'm not a monster. 
 On my way out i look around the room amazed. I mean. I found a hotel filled with monsters. I get distracted looking at something and i trip and almost fall onto someone. But they catch me. I look up and see a pair of blue eyes that flash pinkish purple. I stare at him and he does the same. Then i realize what im doing and i back away saying, "i'm so sorry i wasn't paying attention."
 "its fine." He says in a dracula like accent. 
 Then i look at him. He is dressed like a vampire. I look at the people next to him. A read head. Some floating glasses. A werewolf. And frankenstein. And a mummy. "your dracula?" i ask the vampire. 
 "yes i am dracula." he says smiling. 
 I grin and say, "im Ash." I hold out my hand for him to shake and he does. 
"Nice to meet you ash." He replied. "Would you like a room?"
"Oh um. I don't think I have enough money for this place." I say looking at the other monsters and the redhead at his side.
 "Its okay it'll be for free." Dravula says.
"Are you sure?"
He nods.
"Thank you mr. Dracula." I say smiling more. this is so cool dracula is letting me stay for free!
"You dont have to say mr. Come on I'll get you a key." Dracula says and leads me over to the front desk were he grabs a key and motions for me to follow.
Then I follow him up stairs and to a room.
He hands me a key and motions for me to walk in. I do so and looks around setting my bags on the bed. "This is nice." I say and smile at Dracula.
"I'm glad you like it. I'll let you get settled." He says then tells me his room and leavs.


Yah I know i got other books to write but enjoy!

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