Protection Spells/Sigils

Start from the beginning

Make sure to loud when you say it. You want them to hear your plea.
The Who over can be your parents name, God's name, goddess name, really whatever you want it to be.

STEP 1: Construction of Kabbalistic Cross:
- touch your forehead and say ATEH (your is)
- touch your breast and say MALKUTH (Kingdom)
- touch your right shoulder and say VE-GEBURAH (and Power)
- touch your left shoulder and say VE-GEHDULA (and Glory)
- cross your arms and say LE OLAM, AMEN (forever, Amen).
While saying these words, imagine lines of strong white light in form of the cross (it goes from forehead to feet and from right to left shoulder). When you say Le Olam, Amen, visualise rose in the place where lines cross.
Face the east direction (see the picture) draw to the air the pentagram, follow the arrows. Begin and end in the point 1.
Say magic formula:
„Archangel RAFAEL (רפאל) I am calling you, please come to me."
- draw the pentagram again and say:
„EXARP I am calling you, please come to me."
- draw the pentagram again and say:
„ORO IBAH AOZPI I am calling you, please come to me."
- draw the pentagram again and say:
„JAHWE (יהוה) I am calling you, please come to me."
Then, draw into the air the relevant sign of zodiac:
Protection spells for friends/family.

❀ Rosemary
❀ Angelica
❀ Dandelion Fluff
❀ Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, or Garnet
❀ Name of your friend on a slip of paper
❀ White Sachet


❀ Fill your sachet with the herbs, friend's name and piece of crystal of your choice

❀ "I send you protection from all that may harm you, I send you the wish of safety, I send you the energies to keep you out of harms way."

❀ Tie your sachet shut and gently kiss it it focusing on your desires to send your friend protection

❀ place your sachet in a window, if you can crack the window open to help send the energies to your friend.

Spell by themanicnami on tumblr.

My own spell

Spirits of the East, North, South and West.
Hear my plea! Child of (whoever)
Protect me from the evil around me!
Protect me from those who would do evil to me!

From now till forever.

Make sure to loud when you say it. You want them to hear your plea.

STEP 1: Construction of Kabbalistic Cross:
- touch your forehead and say ATEH (your is)
- touch your breast and say MALKUTH (Kingdom)
- touch your right shoulder and say VE-GEBURAH (and Power)
- touch your left shoulder and say VE-GEHDULA (and Glory)
- cross your arms and say LE OLAM, AMEN (forever, Amen).
While saying these words, imagine lines of strong white light in form of the cross (it goes from forehead to feet and from right to left shoulder). When you say Le Olam, Amen, visualise rose in the place where lines cross.
Face the east direction (see the picture) draw to the air the pentagram, follow the arrows. Begin and end in the point 1.
Say magic formula:
„Archangel RAFAEL (רפאל) I am calling you, please come to me."
- draw the pentagram again and say:
„EXARP I am calling you, please come to me."
- draw the pentagram again and say:
„ORO IBAH AOZPI I am calling you, please come to me."
- draw the pentagram again and say:
„JAHWE (יהוה) I am calling you, please come to me."
Then, draw into the air the relevant sign of zodiac:

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