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It was two o'clock. AM. And Steve was sat up in his bed, sweat beading his forehead. He couldn't sleep. He never could anymore. Ever since that day. The day when Billy died. The day his heart broke. Breaking up with Nancy was nothing compared to this. He and Billy were an unlikely pair, but they were actually pretty good friends. They kept their friendship a secret, though. Even though they were just friends, Steve found his helpless romantic self falling for him. But now he was gone, and Steve hadn't gotten the chance to tell him about his feelings, or even say goodbye.

He pulled his legs up to his chest, before burying his head in his knees and letting the tears that welled in his eyes fall. Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be him who had heartbreak after heartbreak, and now this. He truly knew what pain was at this point. His heart ached every time he thought of Billy. Steve and Max had become really close - they practically had a sibling-like bond. He told Max about his feelings for the male, and they cried together sometimes. But now, there was no one with him while he sat there, sobbing.

The rain lost the ambient temperature of summer, and became freezing and paling with skin on contact. The path through the neighborhood is muddy water in motion, filling deep puddles that hide the ruts of dryer weather.

The rain came in waves, splattering across the pavement. Billy spun around, his face turned to the dark sky. The water streamed through his hair, down his neck, soaking his clothes. The chilly wind cut through him like a knife, but He couldn't care. He was gleeful, overjoyed.

Billy gazed around his surroundings and searched for a home. He eventually spotted it from afar and sighed. The house stood on a slight rise just on the edge of the neighborhood.

He walked himself up to the front steps of the home and stared at the door, The door was the old grey of unburnished silver, dull and spotted with years of water damage, it had three small windows on the top, with white rimming. He knocked on the door, hoping to be let in and prayed it Steve who answered.

Steve was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door, and was a little skeptical. Who could possibly want him at 2 AM? Whatever. He let out a sad sigh, wiping his eyes and running a hand through his hair, fixing it.

His head was hung low, as he managed to stop crying. His eyes were still a little teared up, but he could hold them back. He had learned how to a while ago. He was miserable, honestly. He looked it, too.

He then took a deep breath, before unlocking the door and opening it up a bit. He looked up at the other male, and it took a minute to recognize him due to all the rain and the fact that he was completely soaked.

"....Hargrove?.." He questioned, his voice shaky and cracking. He had to be hallucinating. Maybe the antidepressants were messing with his head or something.

Steve rushed off, to his bathroom, before grabbing a towel and running back and wrapping it around Billy, gently pushing him inside and closing the door behind him.

He was barely holding back from crying now. He brought Billy to the couch, and sat down next to him, his eyes burning with tears. He quickly wrapped the wrapped-up boy in a tight hug, beginning to cry again, but for a completely different reason than before.

He was back.

"Gone." - Harringrove, Steve & Billy Where stories live. Discover now