"Yeah I'll show you mine first" you say as you pull out and dark blue dress

"Girl!" Nikkita and Ro say at the same time

"And here is my dress" Safiya says as she try's to pull out her dress after a few minutes of trying she gets it out and the group is stunner how big it is

"Girl I have no words" Joey says

"I know" Safiya says as she looks at her dress smile you smile at the sight of the Goff's girl

"Ohh is someone getting nervous" Joey scoots over to you and nudges you

"Hey" You say laughing a little Safiya sees this and smiles

"Someone's in love" we hear Ro say from the couch

She runs over to Joey

"We should make them kiss"

"Yes!"He says looking at me and Saf like a deer in headlights

"A random guy from the other side of the room yells "hey you should kiss!" We see it's Roi you haven't seen him since you left everlock

You look at each other and put your wedding dresses back in there bags before they get stained

He walks over and sits next to you Saf sits in between us

"Someone is overprotective" Roi says laughing a little

Saf just stares at him

"Hey I love her for what she is" You say as Safiya looks at you and smiles you lean in and kiss her

Joey and Ro get a surprised face as they see what happened

"What haven't you seen a couple kiss in public"Roi says


"We heard Ro wisper to you" you say looking up at Joey

Saf takes your face and kisses you hard she takes your hand as your still processing things

"What's going on?"

"I got your dress and mine we are going back to the hotel room"she says looking back at you


"She stopes and stares at you"

"For that" you say taking her other hand

"No" she says starting to walk again

The group catches up to the both of you

"Hey what's wrong ?" Joey says

Saf stopes and wishers something into joeys ear all you head was

" ring "you get confused

"What's this about a ring" Joey says obviously joking Saf laughed and you stop her

"What's wrong"

You wate for a sec " I need to pee I'll be right back" the group busts out in laughter

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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