First date

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As the group Clenses the next artifact you and Safiya decide to go on your first date she leads you to the arcade

"So this is what you were saving it for ?"

"Duh  Y/N I love you and I don't want to lose you so after dinner I have a supine for you ok "

"What is it"

" it's called a surprise for a reason Y/N"

"Ok " you laugh and Safiya stares at you smiling

Wow she is really pretty I think I should be her girlfriend

She pulls the book and the door opens and she pulls out a chair for you and you sit down

"She how was your day so far?"
She says as she picked up a fork

"Bad and good how a dour yours ?"

"Mine to  and why Well besides the dead friends" she says as she looks away

"I met you and yeah the dead friends" you look down at your plate and push it away even though you are hungry

"What's wrong?"

"Not hungry but thanks anyway" you say as your stomach growls

"You are hungry please eat " she says with hurt in her eyes

You feel bad so you have a peace of pork chop and a green bean

"More I know how hungry you are" she was right

You dig into the food as Safiya's face went from sadness to shocked at how much you ate

"How hungry were you "

"I haven't eaten since this morning "

"Wow you must have been hungry then" she says as she looks down at your plate

"Hey can you follow me?" She says as she got up

"Yeah what did you need" you say as you get up and as she takes your hand

"Just follow me" she says

She leads me to a part of town we're you can see the whole carnival and the stars at the same time there were candles and a blanket and rose petals

"You did all of this for me?" You say covering your mouth In Surprise

"Yeah I would do anything or you" she says as she takes your hand and leads you to the blanket

"Whoa you can see the stars from up here" you say looking up and she leans closer to you as your looking into the starry night sky a strong gust of wind comes up and rose petals fall down one lands on your leg Safiya picks it up and puts it in her her other pocket

"Why did you do all of this for me?"

"Because I really like you and I want to know more about you and..." she reaches into her pocket and grabs the promise ring

"Hey Y/N will you be my girlfriend and if you say yes can you wear this ring it was in the box inside the room we had our first date in"

"Safiya I like you but I just want to get to know you better your a great woman and your really sweet but I think we should just stay friends untill we get to know each other more don't get me wrong I like you like you it's just I know nothing about you so no but it want to really get to know you " you say as she kiss her cheek cheek

Escape the night safiya x reader Where stories live. Discover now