Bucky: white wolf

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Prompt: you offer to help Bucky adjust to his life in wakanda and can't help falling for the mysterious stranger.

A/n hey guys these are my first few chapters and my first time writing one shots message me if you have a request

You were sitting by a gorgeous flowing river with cool water and kids splashing around you. Your skin glowed in the morning sunlight and your hair tumbled in waves around your face. This was home to you. Everyday you would wake up to the morning sun kissing your skin or the cold water of the flowing river brushing against your legs. Today though you were sitting in a ring of flowers on the edge of the river bank your shining eyes focused on the man across the river. Y/n had never thought she would find herself falling head over heels for the broken white boy. At first she had just been as curious as the little kids that called him white wolf and couldn't help but wonder why he was here. But overtime she fell in love with everything about him though she'd never tell. Y/n adored the way his soft brown hair cascaded down from his head to his shoulders and the way his eyes twinkled in the morning sunlight. "Hey y/n" he said snapping you out of your trance he had spotted you at the edge of the riverbed. You walked over to him he was playing with some of the village children and you couldn't help but smile. You sat down on the ground kids playing around you and splashing in the cold water. You were watching him when you felt little hands tugging at your hair you turned around to see two little wakanda girls who were braiding your hair you smiled at them one of the little girls start to put flowers in your hair and you smiled and couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

Bucky heard you laughing and looked up he froze the moment he saw you playing with the two little wakandan girls. Bucky had a big problem he had a crush on you. It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so perfect. Your eyes sparkled like stars in the morning sun and your hair tumbled from your head in waves. You were a goddess to him and he felt powerless every time he saw you plus that smile that sweet, sinful smile. Yep Bucky had it bad you were an angel in his otherwise horrible life and you would help him when ever he needed it. Bucky's metal arm had been badly damaged after the events of civil war and had to do day by day tasks with one arm which was still a struggle even now. The one good thing was you. You had noticed him struggling one day and had offered to help him ever since then you two had been inseparable. Bucky tried to not look at you and rather on the kids playing around him in the cool water of the sparkling river. He dipped his feet in feeling his body start to relax his eyes slowly drifted shut and he could feel sleep taking over.

"Hey bucky" you said snapping him out of his trance.  You walked over to him showing him the braid the two girls had done. In your hair was multiple kinds of flowers carefully woven between the braid "so what do you think" you said he smiled "I love it" he said. You smiled up at him "do you want me to help with dinner tonight" Bucky had found trouble in cutting the vegetables with one arm and had cut his finger a dozen times by now. It was a tradition that you two had that you would help him with dinner, the farm and his nightmares. Bucky hated having nightmares they were getting better now that you would sleep by his side till he fell asleep "nah don't worry about it  doll Steve and Sam are coming over so I'll get them to help" you nodded at him "if you need anything don't be afraid to ask" you said. Bucky nodded and you gave him one last smile before heading towards the two girls you were with before.

Bucky heard a knock on the door and got up rushing to open it. "Sam! Steve!" He yelled out inviting them into his house. The house was quite small it was decorated in the traditional wakandan style with a little bit of modern day twist with the help of shuri. "So how are you" Steve said bucky let out a long sigh things had been going good on the farm and he wasn't having nightmares any more but their was always something bothering him. It was you. you were addictive. Your hair tumbled in waves around your face while your eyes had a curious gleam to them. You walked as if the world was your kingdom and your knee-length dress made your curves stand out. It wouldn't be such a problem if he could just ask you out."I'm good I'm really enjoying it here" Bucky said his voice hesitant. "but" Steve said giving Bucky a knowing look. "it's nothing really Steve it's just a girl" Bucky heard something smash and turned around to see Sam "Bucky has a girl!" Sam yelled out in surprise. "Technically no" Bucky said shrinking in on himself. "Technically?" Steve said just as curious as Sam. "I'm not dating her I just have a crush" Sam and Steve were squealing in delight "who is it" said Sam wanting to know every juicy detail. Bucky hesitated before finally telling them "it's y/n". Both of the boys were shocked "so are you going to ask her on a date" Sam said pouring a glass of alcohol and giving it to bucky "No way in hell have you seen her she's perfect and.....well I'm me" Bucky said. "Bucky I'm sure if you ask her she'll say yes" Steve said trying to encourage his friend. Bucky nodded the topic putting a sour mood on the evening Steve quickly changed the topic and Bucky let out a sigh of relief and took a huge gulp of his drink. This was going to be a long night.

You were heading towards Bucky's cabin to go check on him when you saw a drunk Sam crash through the door. "Y/n!" Sam yelled out pulling you into a hug "hey Sam" you said grabbing his arm and steading him. "Are you alright" you said watching him sway side to side. "Yes perfectly fine" he said Steve walked outside shaking his head at sam's behaviour "I think we better leave before he passes out" Steve said pointing to Sam. You nodded saying your goodbyes to Steve and Sam before heading into buckys house. "Bucky!" You yelled out you heard a loud thump and turned around to see bucky slumped against the door eyes trained on you. "Bucky" you said again making your way towards him. He nodded a small smile on his face "I missed you" he said you paused heart beating faster "Bucky you saw me a couple of hours ago" you said he nodded before pulling you into a hug "I know but I miss when you're not in my arms" your face went bright red and you focused everywhere but on him "you're drunk Bucky you don't mean it" he nodded his features becoming sadder and his eyes cast down onto the floor "but I do" you ignored him why could you trust what he was saying when he was drunk yes they were the words you had always wanted to hear but what if they didn't mean anything what if when he woke up tomorrow it was just his drunk brain talking you couldn't deal with that tonight so you helped Bucky up of the couch and told him to have a shower while you waited downstairs.

While you were downstairs you picked up a photo of you and Bucky. The photo was from when Bucky first arrived his hair was greasy and his face had a permanent frown. He was different now more open his hair was fluffier and you often saw him with a smile on his face. "The showers free" he said coming down in his sweat pants and no shirt you nodded his face flushed and he was still swaying from side to side signs that he was still very drunk. You grabbed his arm helping him up the stairs you could hear him whispering sweet nothings into your ear such as "your so pretty" and "I want to marry you" you smiled at that one wishing that he really meant it. "If we got married I'd buy a little house just for us" "really buck" you said finally getting him to his room "yeah with two kids, No! Wait three kids" you smiled at that picturing your life with Bucky "we'd also get lots of pets" you lifted Bucky up and into bed "I love you" he said, you froze remembering he probably didn't mean it. "night bucky" you said turning to leave he grabbed your hand stopping you "I mean it" he said you looked at him "ok I believe you" you said looking into his sparkling eyes "I hope you think the same in the morning though" you said closing the bed room door behind you.

Bucky woke up to a massive headache he went downstairs to get some coffee and saw you sleeping on the couch. The tv was playing in the background so he turned it off and gave you a blanket. "Bucky" you mumbled out the morning sunlight was streaming through a crack in the window onto your face giving it an ethereal glow. "Hey what happened last night" Bucky said his mind a hazy mess. "Oh you don't remember" you said shrinking into yourself Bucky noticed your stiff posture and tense muscles and sat down next to you on the couch. You were shuffling away from him and you refused to look at him. "Nothing" you said dejectedly Bucky grabbed your hand and looked down into your eyes. "It can't be that bad" he said giving you a reassuring smile. You sat their contemplating what to say deciding the truth was the best option you went with it "you said you loved me" buckys eyes widen he froze he didn't mean to tell you that, he wanted to tell you romantically on a date or something not while drunk he heard you let out a nervous laugh "and I believed you" you whispered. You jumped off the couch and heading towards the door "it's silly though, why would you like me" Bucky followed you towards the door he couldn't let you leave like this he had to tell you he truth. "What if....what if it was true" he said looking into your eyes "what if I did love you" he said, you were shock and he took your lack of an answer as a rejection. His eyes started to water and he felt as if he had just blown it with you. You smiled at him pulling him into a kiss he was shocked at first but slowly melted into it. "I love you too buck" you said kissing him again he smiled lifting you into his arms. Smiling and laughing with you "I'm never letting you go" he said pulling you into his arms and hugging you tightly. "Your mine"

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