My ninth grade year part two

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L0L i hope you like it o and thank you IndependentAli for voting for my first story x]

Now call me crazy but I was still surprised when the caller ID said Shane, I tried to fix my hair then I realized he couldn't see me so what was I doing. "Hello"

My voice was shaky "Hi, I told you I would call you sexy lady" I laughed and so did he. "So what are you doing" he sounded excited

"I'm doing my homework and talking to you"

"Oh cool" I loved the sound of his voice. "So how was your day?"

"Well it was okay I like my teachers, and at the end of the day a super hot guy fell on me!!! But it was okay because he ended up kissing me"

Giggling he said "Oh yeah I heard about that"

My voice was hoarse when I said "it was good he was an okay kisser"

"Oh, you should do it again tomorrow"

"I should and I am" he was blushing I could tell.

"Hey do you think I should try out for softball this year?"

"Yeah I think so, I played baseball for a while...maybe I can help you practice"

"Yeah, I'm a good pitcher but I'm not that good when I need to use a bat. But if you want to spend time with me all you have to do is ask"

"Ok" he sounded embarrassed. "See you tomorrow?"

I laughed and said okay then I hung up. I was definitely going to call Tabitha and tell her what happened. But first I had to make sure I knew what just happened, so I slowly went over our conversation. I also decided to take a shower before I called tabby. I needed to tell her about my dad and Shane, I also needed to tell her about Keenan. While I was in the shower I thought about how diner with Shane would go. It went perfect I had on this blue dress that complimented my bluish hazel eyes and my long dark brown hair. The water was steaming hot and it felt great against my skin. Then I started thinking about Keenan, and his body, and his pretty green eyes. They were amazing they screamed pure heart into my own eyes and his body was a whole other subject. His body was even better then Shane's he had the kind of skin color people pay thousands of dollars just to get.

Before I knew it I was dressed and on my bed dialing Tabitha's number...I knew it by heart. I loved hearing her ringtone (don't cha by the pussy cat dolls). She was totally in love with that song no matter how old it was, she answered before the chorus could start (My favorite part). "Hello" she sounded all perky.

"Hi, it's me"

"I know who you are I have caller ID"

"Oh, l0l I have some stuff to tell you"

"What spill it Ri'kee.....don't keep me waiting please"

"Okay okay Shane just called me"

"Oh really what did he say about the kiss?"

"Well we talked about it but not really"

"And that means...." She tried to prompt me on and out with it.

"We acted like I was kissing someone else but it wasn't weird at all"

"Aw you two are made for each other"

"I know right you'll never guess what happened"


"My dad had the talk with me"

"OMG you're kidding me right"

"I wish I was just kidding I never knew my dad was so detailed"

"L0l I know there's something else you want to tell me so spill it or kill it"

My ninth grade yearWhere stories live. Discover now