Im a dad!?

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**Rebel's POV**

I is downstairs playing with only toy, my dolly. Screaming start upstairs. Came from the mean man. "Damn brat left her hair brush in the middle of the hallway!" he yell meanly. uh no no no no no no no No again, no again, no again my head says. I close eyes an curl into a ball. I scared I scared I scared. "What the fuck do you want me to do about the bitch." mommy says tiredly. "Nothing! I will teach her what happens when you don't put thing back." mommies mean boyfriend says when something breaks. "Go ahead maybe you can get through that stupid child's broken head" mommy says weirdly. She must be drinking special drink. "No no no no no no" I say quietly as I go towards the front door outside. I is safer out here then there.

**CC's POV**

My mind is racing as I start gathering my shit to get ready to leave that bitches house. I can't believe that bitch fucking cheated on my after everything. I gave her all my love, anything she asked for, and my complete attention, and this is what she does as her thank you I think to myself as I slam my now ex's door for the last time. I hear her yelling for me to come back up to her place so she can explain herself. I just flip her off and yell "I don't want to fucking hear it. It's over." I know I am not in the right mindset to drive, so I decided to just walk through the crazy streets of Las Angles until I feel like I am sane enough to drive home. As I walk the streets I feel the air being slightly cold. The anger for that bitch still burns strong inside of me making me really warm with burning rage. I turn down a few random streets as I explore more and more of my city while calming myself. I get to a not well lit street and I could just tell it was a bad neighborhood from how run down the whole area looked. As I was about to turn around and go back to the main streets of LA I hear the sounds of little tapping from a distance come towards me.

As the sound gets closure to me I get prepared to defend myself in case something goes wrong with whatever that sound is. I was shocked to see a little girl in the dull light of the streetlights. She had long brown hair with dark brown eyed looking scared as hell as she runs for what seems like her life. Once she notices me she freezes as I do the same as this is a shock to see a child out this late at night. Especially with how young she is, and with no adult in sight. "You Christian Coma?" she said in a questioning way. I get a little taken back that she knew me, but I knew what I had to do. I pushed all my anger behind me in order to help this scared and tired little one. "Yeah I am little dude. Where are your mommy and daddy at? You shouldn't be out here alone. Are you lost?" I asked the little one as I get down to her level to not scare her. She shook her head no as she says "mommy and mommies boyfriend meanies. I ran I don't want hurt. Mommy told me you my daddy, but shhh you don't know. She showed me pictures of you and her when she was nice." The little toddler then begins walking towards me as she feared every noise. I try taking in what this kid was telling me. Could I be a father was all I could think as the kid gets closer to me. I decide I need to figure this out before I do anything. Yet if her parents were abusing her I want to get her out of that situation and as quick as possible.  "Do you know your mommies name sweetheart?" I asked to see what information I can get from the little toddler. "Mary Young" she says as she continues to walk over to me hesitantly. All of a sudden a wave of memories came flooding my mind as I remember that name. She was my ex about four and a half years ago or something. She was very toxic and a full on bitch towards the end of our year long dating time. She would get extremely pissed off if I ever hung out with anyone except her, and all we would do is fuck and fight. She hated that I had to tour ,even if that was what was putting food on the table. Now I'm more confused and more curious then ever if this is my baby, and why Mary would hurt her child. She was always so good when it came to kids throughout our issues. As these things continue to race through my mind the little child come close enough for me to pick her up. I grab the little girl into my arms and place her on my hip as she wraps her little arms around my neck. "What is your name and how old are you little one?" I ask as I begin walking to the police station about 15 minutes away. I am going to do an emergency DNA test to help figure out this entire mess that happened in the course of 10 minutes. "I is Rebel and I is four year old dada." she says proudly before smiling at me for the first time since I met her. I couldn't stop myself from also smiling before saying gently "well me and you are going to figure it out. You are safe with me little one." She nods slighting as she rests her head onto my shoulder as we continue our way to the police station a few more blocks away.

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