Chapter 21

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Dylan:just give us a sec
(Dylan bring Mia into a different room)
Dylan:come on this is our chance to fight with the best of the best! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Mia: I know but what if we let them down?
Dylan: we won't. Come on we can do this!
Mia: Fine lets do it!
(They walk out)

(Back on the ship)
Clint:ok next we need to recruit one more person
Quill:think everyone think
Rhode:I got it I'm going to need Clint Cap and Thor to come with me

Quill:ok while you guys go down we will ask the "newbies" some questions
Dylan: I don't need to tell you anything
Mia:I think we should
Quill:oh and why I s that
(Dylan teleports)
Dylan:I'll just show you instead
Mia: (rolls her eyes) why does he have to show off all the time?

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