She then heard the sound of a carriage coming up the stone path.

"Maybe that's my parents," she said, pushing Skulduggery off her. She slipped her underwear on then stood up to look out the window to see her parents stepping out of the carriage that had just arrived.

"They're here!" she yelled, bustling about the room trying to dress herself, then ran downstairs to meet her parents at the front door.

"Oh Stephanie!" her mother exclaimed as she spotted her daughter, hugging her tightly, "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks mum," Valkyrie said, pulling away from her mother.

"Can I see the ring?" her mother asked. Valkyrie showed her mother her hand with the slender diamond ring on it. "Oh dear it's beautiful!" she said as tears welled up in her eyes. She hugged Valkyrie again then turned to help Desmond with the bags.

Valkyrie went to help unload the bags as Skulduggery came down to greet them. Melissa hugged him and Valkyrie bit back a laugh as Skulduggery awkwardly hugged her back.

"I'm so happy for you both!"

"Thank you," Skulduggery said politely, trying to keep his own excitement slightly contained. Desmond and Valkyrie came over with the bags.

"Oh let me give you a hand," Skulduggery said as he grabbed the bags from Valkyrie. She smirked, and then kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Thank you...dear," she said smartly. Skulduggery smiled.

"Anything for you...sweetheart." Valkyrie made a face at the ridiculous pet name, making Skulduggery laugh. Desmond walked inside to the desk to check in.

"So your father and I were thinking that we should have dinner together tonight," Melissa said as she followed her husband inside.

Valkyrie looked horror struck.

"Mum, I don't think-"

"We could refuse!" Skulduggery interrupted. Valkyrie shot him a quick glare.

"That's wonderful!" Melissa exclaimed as she glanced over at Desmond who seemed like he was having a hard time with the check-in.

"Excuse me I have to go help your father," she said, walking over to him. Valkyrie turned to Skulduggery.

"I don't want to have dinner with my parents!" she whined, "We still have things to do!"

"Just relax Valkyrie," he said, setting the bags down," I told you everything is taken care of, a little dinner won't hurt. Besides, it will be a chance for your parents to get to know me." Valkyrie just looked at him with agitation, her arms folded across her chest.

"I love you?" he tried. Valkyrie sighed then hugged him.

"You're lucky I love you," she muttered into his shirt. Skulduggery smiled as he lifted her head up to face him.

"I am lucky," he mumbled lovingly into her ear then kissed her lips softly.

"Aw! You two are so adorable!" Melissa squealed as she walked back over to them. Valkyrie blushed and tried to hide her face in Skulduggery's shirt.

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