Omg it cant be!

116 5 1

"Omg it cant be is that Cole Sprouse!!"I say running over to him. He turns around and when he sees me he smiles really big, his smile lights me up, he makes me so happy just by looking at him and I'm seeing him in person for the first time.

"Hey... a are you C Cole Sprouse..." I said with a little stutter.

"Yea the one and only, you are... umm... oh yea y/n  y/l/n" he said back

Omg he knows who I am but how I mean I'm not famous.

"Y yea but how did you know my name?"

"Your like famous on Instagram, your pictures are amazing"

"Th thanks I guess" I say blushing a little and looking down at my feet. Cole chuckles a little at the sight of me blushing which makes my face turn bright red.

"S stoppp!"

"Ok ok I'll stop but only if you'll hang out with me for a little longer"

Omg did Cole just ask me to hang out with him...I must be dreaming.


Me and Cole walked down the beach a little longer and we took some pictures. He insisted on taking pictures of me for his Instagram and Twitter and I agreed as long as I could take pictures of him.

"Can I take you to dinner"

"Why it's only-" I check the time "oh it's 6:00... well sure"

Cole grabs my hand which makes me blush and we start walking he talks about this nice restaurant that he took one of his girlfriends to on their first date but he's fine taking me there

>>> Coles P.O.V.<<<

I was just taking pictures on the beach when I heard this girl yell my name and run up to me. I looked at her and she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I don't normally believe in love at first sight but I think I love this woman

"Hey are you Cole Sprouse" she asked me I had a smile on my face and her smile just light me up inside

"Yea and you must be y/n  y/l/n" she was surprised I knew her name and she started to blush.

I asked her to hang out with me and agreed and we took pictures I also took a few pictures of her and I even look a picture with my phone so I could make it my background (hehe)

It started to get late so I invited her to go to this nice restaurant even though it reminded me of Allison my last girlfriend I couldn't help but to take her somewhere nice.

>>>your P.O.V.<<<

We got to the place he was talking about and it looked so nice no wonder he took his girlfriend here.

"This place is beautiful" I said Cole was still holding my hand and he just looked at me and smiled

"I know just like you" he said not even trying to hide that he just called me beautiful

"Umm thanks..."

Did Cole just call ME beautiful?!

"Table for two?" The waitress asked and Cole nodded

We sat down at a booth him across from me and the waitress gave us some menus.

"What do you want" Cole asked with a smirk

" i don't know maybe a salad they look good" (SiLl GoTtA bE hEaLtY)

"I'm gonna get the steak with a salad" (hehe)

The waitress came up to us and we order Cole got the steak and salad with wine and I got a salad with ice tea (Cole is 27 your 22 but you won't drink) we started taking and Cole started to open up more he's surprisingly funnier then I thought and he's so sweet and adorable and don't forget extremely hot.

Are food came and we talked more and ate.

"Can I have your number?" Cole asked me.

"Uh sure" I said and Cole gave me his phone and I put in my number and he did the same with my phone.

After dinner he walked me home and he actually lives a couple blocks away from me.

"Can we do something together tomorrow?" He asks and of course I say yes

"Yes I would love to"

Cole hugs me goodbye and I unlock my apartment door, go inside and flop myself on the couch and watch some Netflix.
About 10 minutes I get a text from Cole

Hey wassup beautiful😘


You miss me?

A little how about you😏

A lot..I can't wait to see you tomorrow I had a great time.

I die a little inside when he says he misses me.

You should get some sleep.

Ok see you tomorrow goodnight.

Goodnight sweetheart.

I don't know if he's calling me beautiful and sweetheart to be nice or if he actually thinks I'm beautiful and he likes me..

>>>Coles P.O.V.<<<

I can't stop thinking of y/n I can't wait to see her tomorrow...I can't believe I'm admitting it but I love one of my fans and I just met her..I fell in love at first sight..


So yea thanks for reading I tried to make this longer and a little more interesting

⬆️ 879 words plus these 884

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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Celebrity Crush (Cole Sprouse x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang