The night before Christmas

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It was the night before Christmas, storm clouds hung over Gotham. W.N( you choose what the initials stand for:) searched the city. Looking for his next victim. Just as it happened Bryce Wan (a.k.a Man Bat) was fighting his rival Timothy Obama (a.k.a Mud Pie). " Get out of here Obama. You aren't wanted here yah black boofhead" Man Bat slurred " This here is my turf and only I can solve this troubled city's problems". "Hell no Man Bat, you see Gotham is also my responsibility-"BADABOOM!!! Timothy was cut off his sentence as he died instantly. Killed by a gas bomb along with Bryce, thrown by W.N who had gotten bored of their argument. He licked his lips and started stabbing them.

Then a thunderclap boomed through the city. God had coincidentally looked down and saw W.N. "Shame on you!!!" He roared " you have killed a servant of god( he didn't see Obama as he was just a streak of mud against the pavement) may my wrath befall you!!!". W.N was, for the first time in his life afraid, he has never been a supporter of God and dropped his dagger.

Then the night shone bright and from the pits of the local dumpster rose a magnificent warrior in a pitch black helmet riding a robotic rainbow unicorn. " WTF!!?" He cried tears running down his cheek as he suppressed a fit of laughter" Is that the best you've got?" God in turn clicked his fingers. The rainbow unicorn turned into a terrifying fire-breathing Harley Davidson. "Spoke too soon"muttered the strange human being. A little robot swung out from behind him and said " Would you like a Whisky before you thrash that insufferable carbon-based being?"

" Sure thing butler". He hadn't even taken a sip from the bottle when W.N screamed in rage, " how dare you insult me?! You insufferable wretch". " Alright,calm down, here have a beer" the stranger sighed and threw him a can, " and call me John, Long John". "Hmmmmm, premium beer from down under" W.N said dreamily as he caught it and took a swig.


God looked at the two mortals with renewed up interest, not to mention his annoyance at the fact that his servant, Hell's Angel had decided to take a diplomatic view on the matter. Nevertheless he thought, He must defeat the sinner eventually. God sighed and relaxed.


W.N sculled the beer down in a couple of gulps and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "Mmmm so good" he said as his eyes dilated. A couple of minutes later John smashed his bottle on the pavement, " 'nuff talk, It's time for some action". W.N smiled and brought out some more gas bombs. " This is gonna be some fun".

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