Mystery Revealed.

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Misha's POV.

"What is it?" I asked Kabir as he kept looking around the parking lot when we were leaving college.

"Pia isn't here." he said and I made a face. "why would you make that face?" he asked and I didn't reply. "you know what you are being impossible, it's been three months, she won't say it but I know she misses you, and I know you miss her too."

"She can make the first move." I said stubbornly.

"you called her a bastard and a slut." he pointed out and I didn't reply. truth is, I hadn't talked to my father after that day, but I knew it wasn't Pia's fault, it was no ones fault. I opened my phone and unblocked her number.

"She hasn't called me in a while." he said frowning, he was starting to worry, I rolled my eyes.

"She's probably busy with Abhay." I snorted.

There was a black merc standing in the drive way when we reached home and we exchanged a look. he followed me inside.

"Please sit down" my mother was saying, they had just arrived too.

"We wanted to talk to Pia." Haseena Raichand said and I stopped walking as dread filled me.

"Pia?" my mother asked, "she hasn't been here in months, Misha and her fell apart."

there was a stretched silence.

"We should go." Chand raichand said.

"What's going on?" I demanded entering the room.

"Why do you care?" Chand raichand snapped and Kabir covered me a little. "Oh I know all about your little fight, blaming everything on your little sister..." he trailed off as haseena grabbed his arm, guilt gnawed at me.

"Why are you looking for Pia?" Kabir asked and I put my head against his back, there was another stretch of silence.

"Abhay hasn't been home in last two days," he finally said. "we have looked everywhere, he hasn't been responding to our calls and texts. we called Pia but she said she was out for dinner with you all and will call us back, that was last night, her phone has been switched off since then."

I simply called my dad, he picked up in the first ring. "dad," i said.

"Yes beta." he said in a pained voice. "Pia... she hasn't been responding to calls, can you check at the hostel?"

"yeah sure." I hung up before he could say anything else. we waited for a tense twenty minutes, the Raichands kept looking at each other, nodding and shaking their heads slightly every now and then, not different from what Abhay and Pia used to do.

"Can we talk to your elder daughter?" Haseena finally said and mom called Panchi downstairs.

"beta the raichands want to talk to you." mom said and Panchi greeted them.

"Panchi," haseena said "you are dating siddharth singh right?" she asked and panchi nodded. "can you call him?"

"aunty he is out of india, left two days ago, he said he will contact me..." she trailed off as they both looked at each other, haseena buried her head in her hands. "what's going on?" she looked at me. my phone rang.

"Is Panchi there?" my father said and I replied with a Yes, "put the phone on speaker." I did as he said. "Panchi, did you text the matron that Pia will be staying with us for a few days?"

"no, why would I do that-"

"there is a text on the matron's phone from your number." dad said. "i'll be home in a few minutes."

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