Smitten Kitten

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author: hyrule

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author: hyrule

status: completed (26 parts)

last checked: 993k reads (61.6k votes)

description: Vika's always had a pretty decent grasp on a man's brain- touch his arm, laugh at his jokes, and always invest in a good bra. And to be fair, it's never lead her wrong before. It's been a twenty-four year long success story.

Until Noel, with his thick-rimmed glasses and sleek black suits and mouth-watering jawline, and his total lack of interest in anything other than pointed ears, four legs, and a bushy tail.

She is not going to get cock-blocked by a cat. Except that she is totally getting cock-blocked by a cat.

(alternatively called: there is no judgement like that in a pedigree cat's eyes. screw you, cleopatra. you piss in a box.)

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