Chapter 14

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When we get out to the car, I sigh "Loki?" he presses his lips into a fine line and I declare "You should quit your job."

"Beg your pardon?" he asks and I give him a knowing look. He glares at me, before hissing "I can't quit my job! How would I afford my fucking medical bills?"

I shrug "Hela and I have health insurance. How hard can it be to get you on it?" he cocks an eyebrow to me and I explain "It's good coverage. Covers mostly all medical expenses."

He thinks for a moment, before taking a deep breath "I can't ask you to do that. It'll fuck up your rates."

I remind "You live in my house. How weird would it be to put you on my insurance?" he sets his jaw and I start the bus "I'd rather have you seizing out at home, than face planting into a pair of scissors at work, okay?"

He presses his lips into a fine line "You two aren't going to be able to watch me, constantly."

I nod, before declaring "I know. But I still don't want you in harms way." he looks back at Fin, and I nod "You need to admit that you're really sick."

He motions to Fin "Do you know why I got a service dog in the first place?" he pets Fin softly, before explaining "To highen my quality of life. And now you're asking me to stay in the house, constantly."

I shake my head, before explaing "I'm not telling you to stay home. I'm telling you, I want to be around when your having a seizure, because it fucking horrifies me. Rather you're in the bus, at home, or out and about. I want to insure that I'm there to catch you, when Fin can't." I shrug "And, besides, we might get lucky on Friday, and get signed to a label. Go on tour."

He thinks for a moment, before anxiously biting his lip "Fine. I should go clean out my station."


When we walk into the salon, a black guy smiles at him and speaks in some type of african accent "I thought you weren't coming in, today?" In his chair is a white guy with long brown hair.

Loki grinds his hands together, before explain "I'm hear to pack up my station, give my last booth rent."

"You're quitting?" the man asks and Loki nods, before the black guy asks "What, did you finally get signed to a record label?"

The guy with long hair speaks up "My friend Steve is in a band. He's signed with SHEILD Records."

I furrow my brow "We haven't signed, yet, but what band is he in?"

"The Avengers." he states, before nodding "I'll get Steve to write a letter, if you'd like? I've hear you guys's music, before."

I hum in amazement "That would be nice. We sit down with them on Friday." he nods, before Loki glares at me.

When I shut up, he looks to the guy "Epilepsy is getting worse." the guy gives a concerned look and Loki explains "Had a four minute one, night before last. Had one last night when I was alone. Hela showed up in the middle of it, timed four minutes. Have no idea how long it lasted." he looks to the ground and furrows his brow "Had a thirty second absence one, in the doctor's office this morning. And I can't even remember it."

The two guys give a shocked look and I explain "He could have been having them all along, even in his sleep." the black man nods, before I look over to find Loki thinking "Loki?"

"Yeah?" he asks, looking my way. I give a weak smile and he walks over his station. As he packs his stuff, I sit in his chair. About halfway through, he stops and sighs "I'm tempted to just get surgery."

I give a confused frown "You could do that?"

He shrugs "It's dangerous. And it has some terrifying risks." I tilt my head to see him better "I could die. I could hemorrage. They could leave me mental disabled." I give a shocked look and he declares "If it gets any worse, I might need to."

I nod, before helping him haul his hair stuff to the bus "Would it end you seizures?" he shrugs, before nodding "Why don't you?"

He scoffs, before declaring "It scares the shit out of me."


When we get back to the house, Loki frowns "You're not going to get much sleep." I shrug as I walk into the kitchen to make us something to eat.

"How do you feel about leftover mac and cheese?" he gives a weak smile, before I place it in the oven as he pulls himself up to sit on the counter. When I lean against the counter next to him, his hands weave into my hair "What are you doing?"

He shrugs, before declaring "You're a good friend." It stings so hard that I can barely hide it from him "I mean, he took me to my appointment, you let me live in your house, and you feed me."

I smile at him, before explaining "That's what friends do." he smiles, before wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

He thinks for a moment, before asking "What's wrong?" I shake my head and he asks "You seem distant."

I give a weak smile "I'm just worried about you, is all." he hums, before kissing my forehead "And my ass is still sore."

He snickers, before sliding his hand up and down my chest "I think you'd be a great daddy to me, because I'm such a brat."

I furrow my brow and look back to him "Brats need to be put in there place." when he bites his lip, I look him over, before stepping away from him to ger a glass of water.

When I look back to he, he sets his jaw "Tease."

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