Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Twenty - Two

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"How did she know to call you?" Rain asked. 

Ella grinned, "Her cousin saw our commercial." 

"She's young." Tiffany commented, rocking Emily as the baby fussed, "She went into the interview with the detectives alone." 

"It wasn't until after she talked to them that she thought she should get help. A local lawyer in Phoenix told her to consult someone in California since this is where the charges are going to be filed." Ella added. 

"So she's there in Phoenix? Did the detectives return here?" Rain asked. 

"They have told her they want to talk to her again." Ella said, "But we suggested she wait until we can be with her." 

"We've counseled her not to say anything at all." Tiffany said. 

Rain pulled out his phone, "I'll call Keith at my office, he can stay with her until she gets here." He made the call, then turned back to the women, "He'll stop in at Monica's apartment and talk to her." 

"This case is going to be huge when it finally takes off." Ella glanced at her partner, "It's going to take a lot of time and research." 

Rain nodded, "To give her a good defense. Yes." 

"We're still a relatively small firm. There are only the two of us, plus our paralegal. That commercial she found was meant to bring in a few clients so we could grow, but if we take Monica's case..." Ella paused. 

"Monica doesn't have the money to pay for a lawyer. So we have to do the case either Pro Bono, or wait for payment until she can." Tiffany added. 

"There's no telling when that will be, and we have to be able to pay our own bills." Ella continued. 

Jane finished nursing Kaylee and handed her to her father before reaching for Emily. "Heavy lifting, huh?" She joked with Rain. 

"I want to talk to Monica." Rain said, "Then we will decide how much help we can give." 

"Is that as amazing as it looks?" Ella asked Jane. 

Looking up to find the couple watching her, Jane smiled, "It is the most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life." 

Tiffany nodded to Rain patting his daughters back, "I can't get over this. In college, I would have bet money you would never have kids, and now look at you. You're a daddy." 

"And from the looks of it," Ella commented, "you're enjoying every second of it." 

Rain dropped a kiss on his daughters head, "I most definitely am enjoying my girls." 

When both babies were fed, and back asleep in their beds, Jane joined Rain at the door to bid their guests farewell. 

"When do you think you will be able to talk to Monica?" Tiffany asked. 

"I am not planning on going back to Phoenix for a while," Rain answered, "it'll have to be a video call. We can do it in the next day or so."

"I don't know if the police are going to give her that much time." Ella answered. "They are putting pressure on her." 

"We need to know what they have on her." Jane said, "There has to be more than what they have told you so far." 

"There probably is, but they won't tell us until they have to." Tiffany answered. 

"Once Keith makes contact with her, I'll have him bring her to the office so the have use the equipment there. We'll discuss it then." Once the couple had left, Rain closed the door.

Her Boss's BabyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang