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It happened so fast Arnold didn't know what made him burst out. Regret was present only a second when he realized he just yelled at Helga G. Pataki. Mr.Simmons was speechless, along with everyone, in the class. Once Mr.Simmons came to his senses, he gave Arnold detention.

|Time skip|

Arnold was walking to detention with his head low, and he was regretting his actions.

I wish I could go back in time and stop myself!
I must've hurt Helga's feelings.
I wonder how she's doing.

I turned the nob to the detention room. When I walked inside, there was only one person there, Helga.

She naturally turned her head towards the door. We made eye contact. She quickly turned her head. It was a brief second, but I could see the fear and guilt that was plastered all over her face. My heart feels like it was grabbed and squeezed.

Did my words affect her that much?

She didn't look at me but pointed to the desk by the window? I saw a piece of paper with my name on it.

I guess I'm sitting across the room.

I sat down, and I noticed Helga was looking at me, but then, she turned her head the other way. Shortly after, I heard a small sniffle. It was quiet, but I still heard it.


Helga was trying to cover it, but I still saw it. It was a tear falling down her cheek. Helga was crying.

"Hel-," I was interrupted by Helga.

"No talking in detention." Her words stung. It hurt, and I just lowered my head.

Arnold x Helga Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now