namjoon paid for the tickets much to jimin's displeasure. 

"if you want to pay so badly then you take me on a date." namjoon teased him.

"then i will, it's a date!" jimin grabbed his hand, dragging him the first stand that caught his eye.

it was one with a bunch of stuffed animals, colourful fluffy animals strung adorably across the stand. there was one in particular, a large red crab on the very top with a blue bear. namjoon's eyes seemed to have widened considerably. he gasped, letting go of jimin's hand before running up to it. once he reached it, he rubbed at his knee once more, laughing awkwardly at the stall owner who smiled back.

jimin caught up, tackling namjoon into a hug. he unlatched himself from the taller male who dug in his pocket. namjoon handed four tokens. she gave namjoon four rings, explaining the game to him.

"four bottles give you the big stuff animals. three bottles give you the other smaller ones. and two bottles give you-" she showed namjoon the little small trinkets in a box. "same with one bottle." 

namjoon concentrated deeply, his eyes narrowing. he stepped back, then tossed the ring.

straight into the bottle.

he smiled, feeling confident in his abilities. he tossed the rest of the other three.

none of them made it into the bottle.

a bright cherry red covered his cheeks, eyes casted slightly downwards in embarrassment. he walked closer, muttering, "my knee kind of hurts."

he searched through the box of trinkets, then grabbed a cute glass key chain with a yellow baby chick. he handed it to jimin who took it with a smile. "thank you!" he grabbed his keys from his pocket, linking it to the chain before placing it back in his pocket. he walked to the stall, chanting, "my turn!" he handed the owner four tokens.

"just so you know, it's pretty hard." namjoon jokingly said. he watched jimin closely, who played with the rings before tossing each one.

he made all of shots.

namjoon's jaw dropped, his pride was dealt a heavy hit. he made it look all so easy.

it was kind of hot or was it just him?  namjoon didn't know since the social seclusion really did a number him, causing him to become embarrassingly sexually frustrated- but that's not important. it really isn't.

not at all.

jimin picked the biggest crab stuffy, the big red claws had velcro attached to it. so jimin wrapped the claws around namjoon's shoulders, having to get on the tips of his toes to do so. he smiled, "here's your gift."

namjoon felt like a sinner for thinking such thoughts- it was barely there first date. he blushed deeply at the thought of that and tried to push that to the far back of the dingiest and deepest parts of his mind. he smiled bashfully, one hand grabbing onto one claw and the other got stuffed into his pockets. 

"why are you blushing so much?" jimin asked with a soft laugh, his cheeks squishy as he grinned widely. he reached for his hand, pulling him along to the next ride. 

"i-i don't know." namjoon stuttered, not wanting to admit why he was blushing so much. he swears that he hasn't always been like this. "i think it's just the heat, it's getting kind of hot if you haven't noticed." 

"you're embarrassed and i know it!" jimin tugged namjoon, "come on, it's okay. don't worry." 

"i am certainly not embarrassed!" 

"yes you are, i can see it in your face. you're such a bad liar!" 

"i-i... i am." namjoon muttered in realization, jimin burst into laughter that sounded more like music to namjoon's ears. he threw himself over namjoon's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his arm. 

"that's okay, i'm a bad liar too." 

they talked and laughed on their way to the carousel. the crowds of people kind of hard to push through, but with each other, it was like it's only them.

the carousel was more of an art piece of namjoon's eyes. the wooden carvings plated gold- some of which has chipped off over years of simply existing. the places that weren't plated gold had beautiful maidens and handsome princes painted upon them, all of them dancing in the blue sky. the horses were elaborately decorated, so wonderfully and other worldly. then there was the simple yet pretty tea cups that spun- and that's where jimin wanted to go. 

they waited patiently in line, getting some cotton candy to pass the time. 

"i haven't been here in quite a while, i miss it." namjoon said before biting into the candy. 

"well i'll make sure to make your time here memorable." 

"you already have." namjoon smiled. 

they were tired by the end of the day, their energy low and their stomachs full of junk food and ice cream. yet there was one more thing namjoon wanted them to do before the day was over and the sun had finally set- yes it is cliche... but it was sweet and namjoon really liked sweet. they were waiting in line for the ferris wheel and namjoon's heart was beating rather quickly, in a good kind of way. in an excited kind of way. the same could be said for jimin, who's hands were holding tightly to the three bears in his arms. his head leaning on the crook of namjoon's neck, nose gently brushing up against the nape. 

they were safely buckled up into one of the seats before slowly being lifted of the ground. the sky was a soft blueish lavender colour, with streaks of clouds coloured pink by the orange sun. the entire sky was a mixture of beautiful colours, like a painter's hands. as they rose up higher and higher, the entire city was becoming more visible and beautiful from above. the lights of the buildings like stars in the sky- their only stars because there's a thing called light pollution. yet it was breathtaking nonetheless but not to breath taking like the art beside him. 


he was wearing these ridiculously bright neon yellow glasses that lit up, neon pinks, blues, and yellows colouring jimin's tan skin. namjoon smiled fondly before looking out once more. 

jimin took off his glasses, shutting them off as he blinked several times. he giggled, looking around him before finally landing his eyes on namjoon. with a surge of courage, he leaned forward, one hand letting go of the bear to cup namjoon's face. his small and soft fingers tracing over the scar on the left side of his face. he brought namjoon closer, closing his eyes. 

namjoon's breath hitched but he closed his eyes anyways because he wasn't going to chicken out at all. he was ready for this, he wanted this with all his heart. he pressed his lips gently against jimin's, kissing him slowly. he gripped onto jimin's shirt, leaning onto him as he deepened the kiss. he felt the gentle tug of jimin's teeth on his top lip. he pulled away quickly with a gasp and a slight whimper, eyes wide and so were jimin's ( cheeks also a bright red). 

"was that too much." 

"no... it was enough." his heart was beating, hard against his chest like it was going to pop out. then land right on jimin's lap and namjoon didn't want that- but did he? no.

a pause. 


a nod, an urge to keep him talking.

"i know we haven't talk about this and i want to talk about it now. it's been on my mind for quite some time... and i am sure of it now." namjoon started out. "do... do you want to be m-my boyfriend?" 

jimin kissed namjoon once more, it was a chaste one. "yes, if you'll be mine." his lip pursed adorably at the end. 

"of course." namjoon laughed. then this wonderful feeling bloomed in his chest and he wasn't sure if it was ever going to go away. 

the nights seemed easier. the rain seemed happier. 

and jimin's voice was heard clearly, his hand clasped around his. closely. 


note; thank you for sticking around.
it was a very long journey to say the least. im going to miss this book but never fear. i got some specials planned. :>

phone calls。『minjoon』Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora