The Gang's Protection.

Start from the beginning


It was around 11 pm now, and all 6 of you were sitting around the table. "So, are we all clear on this? One of us will stay here and guard her every day. Depending on what we have to get done that day, we'll choose someone accordingly to stay back." Buccellati was focused, making sure everyone got every detail of the plan. Since Mista was the only one free, he was easily chosen as your guard for the next day. Once everything was in place, Bruno dismissed everyone and you both went off to bed. That night, you and him cuddled closely together. He held you tightly, as if he was afraid you'd be stolen from him in the night. His warm embrace allowed you to sleep better than you had in a long time.


It was now morning, and as you woke up, you reached around, eyes still closed, trying to find him. He wasn't there. Slowly sitting up, you rubbed your eyes. "I guess he left earlier..... he's such a busy man, I swear...." You were thinking as you let out a yawn. Getting up and putting your clothes on, you thought about him. It might be a scary situation for the two of you, but at least you got to spend more time together. That fact made you smile. Opening the door, you were startled to find Mista standing across the hall. "Oh hi.... how long have you been there?" He looked a little tired. "I don't know, prolly around 3 hours?" "I'm sorry.... maybe you should have brought a chair or something, you look almost exhausted." Your concern made him smile. "Nah, it's fine, a gangster's gotta be prepared to go through some shit." He laughed. "Anyway, how about we go to the kitchen and get some breakfast?" "You haven't even eaten yet?" You furrowed your brows at him. "Nope, I got up when Buccellati told me to and I've been here since. No big deal." He shrugged. You let out a sigh. "Let's go eat."


While eating, you and Mista talked about the gang. "So you don't even know who your boss is? And yet you follow everything he says?" You questioned. "Pretty much. I'm more into following Buccellati personally. He's the only reason I'm here after all." "What do you mean?" "Well, I'm supposed to be in prison for murders, even thought I was wrongfully convicted.... But he came in and saved me. I've been the gang's gunslinger ever since. In fact, he's the only reason any of us are really around, well except for Fugo. He saved me and Abbacchio from our crimes, and helped Narancia with an illness he had. And now, he's helping you. He's a really great guy ya know?" You smiled and looked down warmly. "I knew he was amazing, but I had no idea...." "And no matter what anyone says, if you love being together, then that's all that matters. Let no one tear you apart, even if you gotta go through Hell." You didn't expect to get a lesson on love from a gang member, but here you were. "Thank you Mista." You said.

Not long after the front door burst open, making you jump. Mista pulled out his gun and told you to stay put, going out to check. A few moments later, he returned, Fugo and Narancia following him. "False alarm, it was just these two." He said. Narancia had a gash on his leg and Fugo was propping him up. "So, what the hell happened to you?" Mista was teasing him. "This idiot didn't listen to me when I told him not to taunt the enemy." Narancia was laughing. "It hurts like hell, but the look on his face was worth it!" The sight of his leg and the blood made you freak out a little. Putting your hand to your mouth you said "Shouldn't you take care of that? It looks bad." "Eh, I've had worse. When you're part of a gang, you get used to injuries like these!" He was smiling and playing it off. "Fugo, go get his leg treated, I think you're making her uncomfortable." Mista had a serious look on his face. "Alright, come on Narancia." They left the room. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but that's the kinda life we live. Be with him all you want, but don't ever get involved with us anymore than you have to." He looked stern. You found yourself worrying for Bruno's safety more than you ever had.


It took a few more hours before Buccellati and Abbacchio had come back. The were out investigating a decrease in products from a client's business, so it took them longer to do, than a simple fight. As soon as you saw him walking in, you ran up and gave him a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're back Bruno!" "Of course I am, what's gotten into you?" He hugged you back. Mista was sitting at the table watching. "Narancia got hurt earlier, so I guess that made her worry about you." "I see. I'm alright, so don't worry anymore ok?" He gave you a smile. "You should have realized this was the kind of shit we get into. Getting hurt is a given." Abbacchio said as he walked past you and sat down. Your worried look came back, and Bruno's smile slowly faded.


That night, after you'd been intimate, Bruno asked you: "Are you sure you want to stay with me? I hate to see you this scared and worried. It'd be better if you left me if I'm causing you this much trouble." "D-don't worry about me, I'll be fine! I don't know what I would do without you Bruno, I love you so much...." He looked a little sad. "Same here, but (y/n)...... what kind of relationship is this? How can we be happy if we're both constantly worrying about each other getting hurt? I love you but if you were to get hurt I would go mad." His grip on you tightened. He was right, this wasn't much of a relationship. It was full of fear and never seeing each other. Mista's words from earlier echoed in your mind. "It seems the world doesn't want us to be together.... but I do!" You looked him in the eyes. "Earlier, Mista said that, no matter what anyone says, if we love being together, then that's all that should matter. If it means staying together, then let the world try to tear us apart! I'm ready to go through Hell with you!" Bruno stared in amazement. "Are you sure (y/n)?." He finally said. "100%" You replied sternly. "Alright" his smile returning. "What ever happens, I'll try my hardest to protect, and make sure I come back to you. And if anything happens to me, just keep going, and know that I'll still love you even after I'm gone. I want you to have a happy life Amore Mio." He kissed you on the forehead and you drifted off to sleep.


The next 3 or so days went on without Incident. Everyone was doing a wonderful job making sure you were safe, and Buccellati even started looking for his enemy. However, one morning you woke up and found that your guard for the day, Narancia, was no where to be found. They were always supposed to wait by the door. "Did he go to the bathroom?" You wondered. Suddenly, you felt a hand wrap around your shoulders, as a cloth covered your face. As you leaned your head back, you caught a glimpse of a man you didn't know, before blacking out.

End of Chapter 2

Protection From The Gang (Bruno Buccellati x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now