Chase them down!

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 You could feel yourself waking up. It was cold and silent, and as you opened your eyes, you could see nothing. The room was pitch black. "Where am I? How did I get here?" Is all you could really think. "All I remember is being grabbed an then....." The reality of the situation had finally hit you. Your arms and legs were restrained, you were a prisoner. "How the hell am I going to get out of here?" You struggled to get free, and in the midst of the struggle, a laugh echoed from the darkness. "Hee hee hee, so you're finally awake, that's good! Now we can get down to business." It was the voice you had heard on the phone just days before. "What do you want from me?!" You yelled out. The lights turned on and the dreadful face your kidnapper showed itself.


"Yo Buccellati, any leads on the stalker yet?" Mista was speaking with Bruno at a cafe. They'd both just completed some work and were taking a break before heading back. "Nothing yet. No one seems to know of, or want to talk about anyone's grudges against me. It's really starting to irritate me." "I say, just beat the shit out of those who are keeping quiet till they spill it." "I don't want anymore grudges against me at the moment, until I get this one sorted out." "Don't worry, we'll find the bastard, and when we do.... we'll make him eat shit!" *RING* Buccellati's phone went off, and he answered it almost immediately. "Fugo, what's going on?" "Something's wrong. I told Narancia to call me around noon, as a reminder, because he told me to pick him up some food, but he didn't ever call me. He might be dull, but he's never forgets to call about stuff he wants." Buccellati widened his eyes. "Mista, give Narancia a call!" He said suddenly "Alright." He quickly pulled out his phone dialed Narancia's number. A few seconds later, he looked at Bruno with a serious look and said: "There's no answer." "Fugo! Call Abbacchio and tell him to come back right now. I don't feel good about this." He hung up his phone before Fugo could respond and quickly ran to his car, Mista right behind him.


"I said, what do you want?!" You repeated yourself. The man hadn't answered the first time around. He slowly walked to the side of the bed you were laying on. "Luciano, Luciano Marconi." He gestured to himself. "Don't you worry, girlfriend of Buccellati, I won't hurt you." "Why did you want me?!" You were panicked, not knowing what this man had planned for you. "You see.... I needed bait for our dear friend. You see, he's the kind of guy that's protective of his friends and family. I figured I could have some fun with him if I got under his skin." "W-why? Why Bruno! What the hell'd he ever do to you?!" 

You were struggling again. Luciano gave a smile. "That man murdered my sons. Their names were Biscotto and Latte*, and they were twins, you see. Gangsters who were amazing at everything they did, but..... one day, that man..... Bruno Buccellati.... took them from me, and now he needs to pay." He looked at you. "But he's not the only one that's going to pay." He grabbed you by the arm and pulled you up. "You're going to help me get payed." "What do you mean by that?" You were afraid to know the answer. "You see, I'm in the business of human trafficking, and your pretty face will sell rather nicely...." The flood gates in your eyes sprung open. "This man is going to sell me? To who? I'm scared.... I'm so scared..... Bruno..... please help me...." You thought.


Buccellati and Mista pulled up to the building. Fugo was already there, he'd already been on his way when he called, however, he hadn't gone in yet, not wanting to enter by himself if the enemy was around. Bruno quickly got out of his car and ran up. He pulled out sticky fingers as he pushed the door open. "Hold up a moment! Don't go in alone!" Fugo grabbed his shoulder as Mista was still running over from the car. Once they were all there, he continued inside. It was quiet. Looking around, Fugo spotted something in the hallway entrance. It was a small trail of blood. They hastily followed it. It appeared as if someone had drug them self across the floor. 

They followed it to the stairs, the stairs that led up to you and Bruno's room. On the stairs, the found him. Narancia was laying there, gasping for air and barely conscious. Mista ran up to him and lifted him up a bit. "Narancia what the hell happened here?!" He said. "*cough* I'm sorry....." Narancia took a few deep breaths. "He was so strong, I couldn't......" "He? Who?" Bruno was frantic. He kneeled down beside Narancia. "I.... didn't get his name but...... his stand......" "A stand user?" "Y-yeah, it was called Paradise City.... he trapped me in some kind of bubble.... I couldn't get out...... I tried yelling for (y/n) to escape, but she never answered.... it's like she couldn't hear me....." "Paradise City...... It's sounds familiar, but I can't place it..... anyway, we need to get Narancia healed up before he dies. As soon as Abbacchio gets here we need to use his stand to replay what happened here..... and where they went....... Narancia? How long ago was this? Do you know?" "Well, I'm not sure.... it was probably around 10 when it happened, I know because one of my favorite radio programs was on..." "Buccellati..... that was about 2 1/2 hours ago....." Fugo looked very concerned. "I'm going to call Abbacchio and tell him to hurry up." Bruno Walked down the stairs, towards the main room. "Fugo, help me carry him." Mista and Fugo carried Narancia out to the table, to cover his wounds.


It was about 15 minutes before Abbacchio arrived. He was very apologetic towards Bruno, as he had been in another town. "We need to hurry, get Moody blues ready and follow me." Buccellati and Abbacchio ran to the bedroom. "Hey, you guys will probably need to go with them.... I'll be fine here on my own..." Narancia said weakly. "That may be so, but I'm going to call another gang member to take you to the hospital while we're gone, you're lucky you made it this long without bleeding out." Fugo went to make a phone call.

Upstairs, Abbacchio had Moody Blues set to 2 hours and 50 minutes ago. It began it's replay of you. Once you were grabbed, they followed the stand out. "Come on, we're going now! There's no telling what could be happening to her right now!" Bruno yelled to the others as they ran through the main room and out the door, chasing the you shaped MBs.

End of Chapter 3

* Biscotto and Latte mean Cookie and Milk. I continued with the food theme for their names. XD

Protection From The Gang (Bruno Buccellati x Female!Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt