Chapter 34- Partying

Start from the beginning

They walked away from the Asian group who were on their own world, chattering like there was no tomorrow, and went over some other people. All the countries were scattered in groups. In the specific group that Russia, Japan and Australia went were the countries of the Balkans. Or, most of them. Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Spain. Their faces light up one by one when they saw Japan approaching them. "Hey! Having fun?". They all said their own 'yes'. "I'm very glad. By the way do you happen to know Russia?". They of course didn't see Russia behind Japan, so they all answered without knowing he was there. "Yeah. I do" said Spain. Bulgaria nodded and Croatia said a little "Mhm" as a yes. The others have only heard of him. "Well I want you to meet him". She backed away a little for them to see Russia. He waved and said hello again, not wanting the same thing to happen with the handshake. "Hi omule (dude)" said Romania. Japan looked at Russia to see if he was uncomfortable in any way, but he gave her a  reassuring smile. She nodded and left the group of countries alone to chat.

"So what's y'all names?" Russia asked. One by one again they said their names, just like kids in the beginning of middle school.
Australia wasn't really paying attention in all of that. Russia was talking to people, a really good thing, so he didn't want to ruin the moment. He looked around, daydreamed, listen to the music.. Until something really unexpected happened. The DJ, Italy, put some hardbass on. The music which was known for being a stereotype for Russians. He turned to Russia with a smirk bigger than my own future and placed his arm on his shoulder. "Russia you know I love you no homo, right?". He was caught off guard since he was talking with the other countries, so he took some good 10 seconds to respond. "I guess?". Australia frowned for 2 seconds but then smirked again. "Do you hear the music playing?". Russia just did, and chuckled. "Wow, I never expected to hear hardbass in a party." "Then you know what that means". Russia slightly tilted his head as a sign of confusion. "What?".  Australia crossed his arms and put on an even bigger smirk. Then it hit him. "Australia, no" "Please!" "No! I'll not start squatting while there are people around!". "Why not? You'll get ligma?". "What's ligm-" said Albania, but couldn't finish her sentence because Croatia covered her mouth. "No I will get ligma, but it'll be embarrassing." Said Russia and crossed his arms too. "No it won't!" "Yes it will. It won't be for you since basically everyone is friends with you, but for me it will, because everyone either doesn't know me or dislikes me". Australia eyerolled. "If I do it first will you do it too?". "No". Australia put on a pleasing look. "Pleeeease"  "Australia come on now" "Do this only once and I'll never ask you to do it again!" "At least somewhere were they are no people?". "Like where?". Russia looked around the house. Yeah, it was filled with countries. No place for peace and quiet. "I'll go first and then you, okay?" "You don't even know how to squat like that." Australia couldn't hear him because he had already started strutting to the middle of the room. Everybody looked at him and formed a circle around him because they figured he was going to throw some sick moves or something. He looked at the floor. "How the f*ck am I supposed to do this". Nobody was able to hear him because the music was too loud. Slowly and
hesitantly he sat on the position he was supposed to be. "Okay; so".

He tried his best, but fell on his ass after 3 seconds. He got up, tried again, 4 seconds. They could tell he was trying really hard. Everybody was laughing, not meaning any harm. Russia was laughing too. Australia reminded him of the time America tried to do the Russian squats too but failed, while they were still in the bunker. Good times, good times. After a handful of attempts Australia turned to Russia with a smirk again. "Come Ruski, you can do it better!". Russia's smile disappeared. "N-no thanks man, I'm good.". All eyes in the room fell on him. His heart rate increased even more. "Aw come on now, you said you'd do it if I did". A faint red colour appeared on his face from embarrassment. "Y-yeah but- the song will be over any moment now". "Don't worry" a voice from behind him said. It was Italy's. "I got a lot of these types of songs, I'll just put another one". Russia's frustration could be seen through his stare. At that point people started taking out their phones. "Dude c'mon, it'll be fun". Russia was about to have a panic attack right there. "I-I" his breathing hardened. His vision became foggy out of nowhere. On no, he was not going to cry infront of everyone. Not happening. "I have to go" were his last words before he sprinted out of the house. Australia then realised that what he just did was not cool. He looked around him and people seemed to be chattering about what just happened. He regretted his decision. He ran after him.

Russia managed to get behind the house in a time span of a minute. When Australia got there too he found him trying to control his breathing. "Russia". He stopped whatever he was doing. "I'm not going to f*cking to do it, okay?". "Yeah yeah, okay! I'm sorry for forcing you, it was a dick move". "No sh*t Sherlock". He sniffed and whipped his nose.  "I didn't think you'd be so upset over it." Russia just stayed silent. "I'm sorry man, I really am". "Whatever". He sniffed again. He was looking to the side, not facing Australia, so he didn't see him embracing him into a hug. He looked right up him, no words said. He sighed. Australia was more than happy when he felt him hug back. They stayed like that for a few moments, until Russia spoke. "You're not gay, right?" "What?!" Australia bursted out laughing. "What? What did I say?" Asked Russia, smiling at the sight of Australia literally dying. "D-dude-" he couldn't finish what he was saying, he was too busy weezing. Eventually he stopped and took a huge breath to stabilize himself. "Sorry, that was precious". "Why?" "Just imagine someone asking you that in a middle of a hug! It's like you and someone else are in church or something for Christians and he just says to you 'you're not Jewish, right?'. Hilarious.". Russia giggled. "I just wanted to make suure". "Well too bad for you, I'm asexual". Australia said, surprisingly with a lot of confidence. "Bad for me?" "Yes, bad for you! I know you want my sexy body Russia, you can't deny it". That got Russia laughing. "В твоих мечтах (In your dreams)!". Australia stuck his tongue out and chuckled afterwards. "So you wanna go back inside or chill out here?". "I'd rather chill here for a while if it's cool with you" "I legit asked you, of course I'm cool with it". Russia smiled.

They stayed behind the house for a while. Listened to music, chatted about random things and basically messed around, but then they started hearing footsteps coming towards them. They looked over to see who it was. It was Thailand with Hungary and Lithuania. "Ačiū Dievui, kad jis čia" mumbled Lithuania, not loud enough for the two protagonists of the scene to hear. They approached them with faces of relief. "Hello?" Said
Australia. "Hi. Eeh.. We saw you run off like, 10 minutes ago, and never saw you come back so we were looking for you" said Thailand back, looking like the most nervous person in the world. "What for?" Asked Russia. "To see if you were okay. You left running" Hungary replied. Russia scratched the back of his head. It was a very awkward thing to say. "Yeah we're cool. I just became an ass and forced him into doing something." Australia tried to explain. He made sure Russia didn't have to feel bad about the whole incident. "Oh" They all said. Lithuania seemed to want to say something to the two, but was too shy to do so. She quickly built up courage though and asked."Do you maybe want to have a few drinks with us?". That caught all of them off guard. Australia looked at Russia to see if he wanted or not. He thought to himself, but ended up nodding. "Sure".


Russia had a good time. He drank, hung out with Australia and new people and gave out his number to over than 5 countries! He enjoyed himself. It was a good decision to come to the party. He ended up coming home at 2 am. Not drunk, not with hurt feelings, but with a really good mood. He unlocked the door to his house and quietly walked in. What he saw left him with a huge smirk. He walked over to the cough. It was Ukraine sleeping, in the arms of Canada. He didn't know if it was intentional or not but he is sure as heck taking a picture. Ukraine, you are getting your ass teased tomorrow. After having a full view of his sister and Canada he went upstairs. He checked if Belarus was is her room. She was not. He went back down and looked through the whole house. No signs of her. 'Oh well' he thought. 'she's probably spending a night over at Switzerland's'. He shrugged it off and walked to his room. He slept with a smile on that night.


This is the longest chapter I've ever written, holy crap. It was a bit sh*tty, but eh. Also we're slowly getting close to the end :'). Don't be sad though, all things come to an end. Alrighty, see you on the next chapter!


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