"Take your helmet off!" The male officer yelled at me. I complied and took the black helmet off amused by both their reactions and placed it on the floor. "Turn around and put your hands on your head, NOW!" I did as I was asked and turned around putting my hands behind my head. I winced when I felt my wrists being harshly pulled back behind my back and a metal ring put around my wrist. "You have the right to remain silent and anything said will be used against you in court". 

"In court!" I shrieked, my eyes widening.

"Silence!" The male officer yelled harshly. 

"Jack relax, she's just a kid" the female officer said to the male officer, who I presume is Jack. 

"No Maree she is a delinquent for riding down a street at an excessive speed, no license, unregistered bike and underage. There are a few more rules she broke but we won't go into them" Jack sneered at the female officer who I presume is Maree. 

"Fine, what do we do with the bike?" 

"We call her parents to repossess it, while we go to the station". I saw red when he said parents. 

"My dad is gone" I said coldly. 

"Gone where?" Jack asked making me walk to the police car. I had never been in a police car before, only ever seen them. 

"What's your name sweetie?" Maree asked walking beside me. I frowned and looked over my shoulder to see my bike resting on the grass. I didn't like it when it was just left on the ground and my dad always taught me to put it on a stand once I was finished using it, putting me in the habit. 

"Kira West" I answered. I heard her mumble an 'oh dear' under her breath and frowned. 

"You didn't answer me kid, what do you mean your dad is gone? Where did he go? Did he leave you?" Jack asked almost with mockery in his voice. I felt my blood boil and anger blaze. 

"Jack! A word please" Maree requested. 

"Fine" Jack answered shoving me harshly into the car.

“…It was different then I expected. I felt some what different. I didn't actually know how to feel about it, whether to like it and pursue the feeling again or go back to how I was before my dad left, which was sad and miserable. All I knew was that I felt better when I was getting my anger out. It was relieving my pain and anger of my father’s absence. I didn't want to be sad like my mother; I wanted to feel something different. 

I remember my mother was furious with me. When I was thirteen I was getting into more trouble and got expelled from my first school. My mother was more than furious and tried to stop me from everything I was doing. But I couldn't be stopped. But after a while I discovered that getting in trouble at school gave me that same relief and difference. I craved that feeling more and more till it was all I felt. Ryder even tried to help because it was affecting my powers. I was distancing myself from my power source and that isn't a good thing. 

When I was fourteen and I moved to Will’s school he introduced me to Dustin, Nathan, Travis and Brody. We all became pretty close and they found my behaviour amusing, though Will would be cautious and responsible a few times. But most my problems started when I was fifteen. That was a big year for me…

"Hey it's West!" A deep voice yelled from the back of the room. I held my breath as I walked through the smoke clouds in the room. The room stunk horribly of smoke from cigarettes and weed. I spotted Will on the couch with some tramp on his lap and laughing at something Brody said. I spotted the rest of the group sitting either beside Will or across on the black fold out chairs. Will turned and looked over me with a smile. 

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now