Chapter 97: Great Burning Minotaur

Start from the beginning

"Follow me you two!" Paladin yelled at both Omega and Noxious.

"Already on it--"

"Let's fucking go!" Noxious yelled.

Paladin, with Noxious and Jingks sprinting behind him charged through the crowd of Icarus Cultists that were retreating. While Omega and Paladin were pushing everybody out of their way with their hands Noxious was cutting down all the Icarus Cultists with his Black Halberd that he ran into.

"What the fuck is going on?" Archer asked while raising his voice so others around him could hear him.

"That fucking Great Burning Minotaur was released Archer! That is what is going on!" Jingks yelled.

"No shit Captain obvious--!"

"Shut the fuck up you damn--"

"Stop fighting you two! We need to find Paladin, Noxious, and Omega and retreat! The Great Burning Minotaur has emerged and we stand no chance out here!" Lady Diane yelled as she interrupted Archer.

Archer and Jingks turned to look at Lady Diane, all of them were still holding their swords in their respective hands.

"We stand no chance anyways! Look at that fucking thing!" Archer yelled.

Before Lady Diane and Jingks could respond to Archer, Paladin, Noxious, and Omega jumped from out of the crowd and appeared from behind her.

"You three--" Paladin yelled as he pointed at Jingks, Lady Diane, and Archer with his right hand's index finger. "We're fucking retreating back to a safe point! Let's fucking go!"

Lady Diane turned to look at Paladin. Jingks, Archer, and her all nodded their heads and agreed with what Paladin was saying. Paladin then turned to his left and he sprinted back in the direction towards where the convoys were supposed to arrive at. The rest of the Inquisition followed Paladin by sprinting from behind him, the group of Inquisitors were running through the crowd of the Icarus Cult and were knocking Cultists to the ground and out of their way as they ran through. The Great Burning Minotaur did not stop and he was ruthless, because of the amount of White cloaked Icarus Cultists around him he was distracted and wasn't able to advance past where he emerged much. His Great dual bladed axe swinging all around in the sky and all over the ground, everytime the blade of his axe plunged into the ground Cultists would fly up into the air because of the power of the axe lifting up dirt, grass, and other earth materials that were lifted up. The grass of the valley around the Great Burning Minotaur was quickly dissipating, bodies of the white cloaked Icarus Cultists were filling up the field around and the blood from their bodies being drained were creating pools of blood all over the ground. Grass was also disappearing as each step that the Cultists made and each step that the Great Burning Minotaur made would destroy the ground. Every single time the Great Burning Minotaur breathed in from his mouth and released air from his nose, orange flames of blazing fire would reach the ground and would set the white cloaks of the Cultists on fire. All of the cultists that were encased in fire would drop their swords almost instantly. All of them were screaming in deathly pain as their flesh was being burnt to complete black, some of them would attempt to take off their cloaks to relieve them of the pain while others would attempt to pat down the flames. Some of the Icarus Cultists that were still alive from the foot of the Minotaur hitting them were crawling on the ground, their legs broken and some of them were set on fire. Some of them were quickly freed from misery as the Great Burning Minotaur would finish them off by stepping on them again as he tried to advance, while others had to wait for themselves to be fully burned to death. When the Inquisitors finally broke through the retreating White cloaks of the Icarus Cultists, they stopped as they watched the Royal Military dull grey armor wearing soldiers charged in.

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