9 - Perfect Distraction - Johnnys POV

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I sat down as Ponyboy cleaned my cuts.

"I know how to do this, I've seen Darry do it all the time after rumbles or after one of us got jumped." Ponyboy says.

"You better, I don't want to get hurt anymore." I say laughing.

Ponyboy laughed.

In the middle of him fixing me up he pauses and frowns.

"I still don't get why you did that for me..."  He says shaking his head.

"I would do anything for you Ponyboy, you're my best friend and I...I can't stand to see you hurt, or scared." I say looking at him in his beautiful green eyes.

I noticed he winced a bit in the word "Best Friends" does that mean he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?

I try to push those thoughts away since it's not about me.

"Thank you Johnny...for everything...especially beating him up. You are also my best friend."

I wish I was more.

We get ready for bed and Ponyboy let's me get the bed tonight.

I don't say anything because I'm really tired and the second my head hits the pillow, I'm asleep.

For the next few days, I can tell Ponyboy is thinking  about his brother and the gang. I felt so bad that he had to wait until Saturday and he had to wait until I got out of work.

I try to talk to him and joke around but his head is somewhere else. I suddenly thought of an idea.

I sat up and quickly made breakfast.

Ponyboy woke up and we had our usual morning of joking around but this time he wasn't into it again.

When I leave for work I had my normal day but this time I ask the owner if I can leave early. She lets me and I do.

I go to the store and buy a few things. This is going to be a fun night.

I come home to find Ponyboy with a book in his hands, but he's looking in the corner of a room spaced out.

"I'm home!" I say.

"Yay, finally." Ponyboy says smiling.

"Ponyboy, I have to show you something, follow me."

Ponyboy looks at me really confused but follows me.

I take him to the roof on top of the apartment.

When we go up it's organized, there's a blanket on the floor and there's food, there's also pillows in case he wants to lay down because we are gonna be watching the sunset and stars when it gets dark.

Ponyboy gasps and looks around.

"Johnny! You didn't tell me that there was a roof!" He said looking amused.

"Yeah, kinda forgot, sorry about that." I say laughing.

We both sit down on the blanket and eat while talking about our days.

We have fun and laugh and talk, until we notice the sun is going down.

We both sit there watching it, mesmerized.

Suddenly I feel a hand gently touch my hand.

My heart hammers in my chest as I look from the corner of my eye and see Ponyboy's hand.

I stay there glued in place.

What do I do? Should I scoot closer? Look at him?

My thoughts are interrupted by Ponyboy talking.

"You wanna know something Johnny?" He says still looking at the sunset.


"When I first met you, I thought you were gonna kick me out, I never knew we were gonna become best friends, I never knew you would help me, if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't be here, and the gang would still be worried, and my ex would still abuse me if he ever got the chance. But none of that happened because your here...you changed my life for the better and...and if it wasn't for you...I wouldn't be feeling what I feel right now.." He says looking over at me.

I look at him too.

"What are you feeling?"

"Like...Like butterflies in my stomach, and whenever you laugh, look at me or talk to me, my heart just bursts because...I like you, Johnny...a lot...and not as a friend."

I was so shocked...my crush like me back? That was impossible, but I don't even waste a second.

"Ponyboy, please be saying the truth."

"I am."

"I like you too Ponyboy."

He smiled and slowly we leaned closer to each other.

"C-Can I kiss you Ponyboy?" I ask.

He nods.

I lean in and we kiss.

It felt like fireworks were going off while we were kissing, I also felt amazing and happy because I wanted to do this, I've never kissed anyone before and I know that Ponyboy is an extremely good kisser.

When we pull away, he's smiling widely and I'm pretty sure I am too.

"Ponyboy, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask him, my face reddening.

His eyes widen so and he smiles really wide.

"Yes! Oh God yes!" He says as he hugs me.

I hug him back not wanting to let go.

We pull apart and he leans his head on my shoulder, so I lean my head on his head, I pull him closer and kiss his head.

"Why do you like me Johnny?" Pony asks.

"Well, after I saved you, I thought you were very good looking, but I didn't know if you liked boys and I assumed you didn't so I tried to not think of you that way, but after we talked and I got to know you, I immediately got a crush on you, the way you spoke so passionately about books and sunsets, the way you appreciate small things in life, the way you're so kind, and soft, it was amazing, I loved that about you."

I see Pony blush and grin.

"Johnny...that means so much to me, I've never had anyone tell me that before." Pony says.

I smile and kiss his forehead.

"Do you wanna know why I like you?" Ponyboy asks.

I nod.

"Well, ever since you helped me I just felt something because you went out of your way to help someone you didn't even know on the street and that says a lot about you, you constantly do things to make me laugh and smile, you helped me with my abusive relationship, and you helped a lot with my eating and cutting. You're just so sweet and nice, I love that about you." Pony said.

Now it was my turn to blush.

"Ponyboy, you're so amazing."

He smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder again while we watched the sunset.

It was late already and I was still awake but Ponyboy was not.

I decide to clean in the morning and I carry Ponyboy down to my apartment.

I gently place him on the bed and make my way to get the blankets down on the floor but Ponyboy grabs my hand.

"Stay, lay down on the bed with me." He says.

"Are you ok with that Pone?"

"Yeah please." He says.

I smile and also lay down with him.

I cuddle up close to him and out my arm around him.

I love this boy so much.

Hey everyone! I hope you guys liked this one and thank you so much for reading!! I'm sorry if I rushed their relationship by the way.


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