"I know...but I asked you here so I wanted to pay."

"Thanks, Der."

Derek was about to speak again when he heard his coach calling his name, "I gotta go."

"I'll see you after." Stiles smiled, squeezing Derek's hand, watching the wolf run off.

Talia and Cora showed up a few minutes before the game started and found Stiles almost immediately.

"Hi, sweetie." Talia said sitting down next to him. Cora plopped down in the row in front of them, leaning back against the bleachers.

"You came?" She asked.

"Yeah...was I not supposed to?"

Cora shrugged, "that's my brothers."

"I know, he gave it to me to wear."

"Are you guys like together...or?"

"Cora." Talia sighed.

"I'm just wondering!"

Stiles bit the inside of his cheek, the buzzer sounding and the game beginning saving him from the conversation.

The game was tied with just a few seconds left on the clock. Sweat dripping down Derek's face. It was up to him. If he makes this shot, they win. Everyone around him is screaming, the other team trying to get in his way, his coach is yelling for him to shoot the damn ball.

"You got it, Der." He heard, softly. Tuning out everything else. He glanced over seeing Stiles smile at him. He smiled back.

The ball made it threw the hoop just before the buzzer sounded, his team and the crowd cheering. The coach forced them all back into the locker room to congratulate them on a good game.

Derek walked out with one of his teammates talking to him as he searched for his mom and Stiles. He faintly heard the other next to him mutter a goodbye and he waved as he walked off. Stiles was standing by the bleachers, his mom and sister waiting there as well.

Talia squeezed her son telling him he did a great job. They spoke briefly talking about how Derek would be home the next morning and the two left.

"You did amazing." Stiles spoke finally.

"Thanks." He smiled back, "did you eat?"

Stiles shook his head, handing the money back to Derek. The wolf rolled his eyes, "you wanna go get food?"

"Sure." He smiled, "where?"

"There's this little diner down the road. They stay open all night. Most of the team goes there after games."

They walked toward Derek's car hand in hand, Stiles telling him how his day was and Derek talking about his.

He threw his duffel bag in the back seat and waited for Stiles to get situated in the passenger seat.

"Thanks for coming."

"Shut up." Stiles laughed.

Derek laughed a little putting the car in drive and heading toward the diner.

Just like Derek mentioned there were a few of his teammates there already taking up one of the booths. They called Derek over, the wolf going to say hi and introduce Stiles but declined when they asked them to sit.

"Oooo" one of them sang, "Hale's trying to get laid."

The guys laughed, Stiles trying to hide his smirk as Derek punched the guy in the arm. "Fuck of, Evan."

Dinner was quite uneventful after that. They spent the whole time just talking about random things. Derek mentioned that he had finished a few more drawings and told Stiles he'd have to show him them.

They sat there until about 1 in the morning before they realized how late it was.

"I don't wanna drive home now." Stiles laughed.

"Stay with me, then." Derek offered, leaving cash on the table and leading them outside.

"Am I allowed too?"

Derek shrugged, "I don't actually know but my RA doesn't give a shit about anything anyways so."

Stiles laughed, "I don't have any clothes or anything."

"You can wear mine. And I have an extra toothbrush. Bought a new pack yesterday."

"You were already gonna try to get me to stay weren't you."

Derek smirked, "Maybe. Is it working?"

Stiles glared at him, "you're lucky I'm tired."

Derek rolled his eyes, "is that a yes?"

"Yes." Stiles laughed, "I'll stay."

Stiles sent his dad a message to let him know what was going on and made himself comfortable in Derek's small dorm. It was a joined room in the complex that he shared with 3 other people. There was a small kitchenette as you walked in and a living room space right next to it. A hallway in either side, two bedrooms and a bathroom on one and another two bedrooms and a bathroom on the other.

His roommates were all asleep when they got there. Derek leading them toward his room, "it's small but I'm not here a whole lot so..."

"It's a dorm." Stiles laughed.

"Shut up."

They fell asleep curled up together watching The Office.

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