Chapter 23

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I sped up the song a bit...

But you prob know the words by heart now... Soo... you might be able to sing along!


Brayden's POV

I got down on my knees and covered my ears.

"Brayden...." I heard the deep voice whisper. It rattled into my skull as if he were right beside me with a microphone.

"Brayden?" the security guard got down next to to me to see if I was okay. "How does he know your name?"

I didnt answer. I walked up to the window and looked at my friends possessed body.

"Fuck... Off... Goldie Locks..."

"I'm assuming you friends didnt tell you about the little 'affair' I had with your girlfriend..."

My everything stopped... Thats what Freddy was hiding... I got dizzy, luckily the security guard was there to catch me when I fell.

I think then I just snapped. I stood up and punched the glass with my bare fist, not a drop of blood.

The security guard stood in see as I grabbed Golden Freddy by the neck and slammed him into the wall.

I was reaaal fucking pissed...

He got up and punched me in the jaw. I jumped through the window and kicked him where the sun dont shine.

He fell to his knees and eventually, after several kicks to the gut, passed out.

The security guard was still standing there, he saw i was pissed and decided not the bother me, mainly because I could kill him with one good punch to the gut.

He opened the door and followed me to the stage. I looked at my friend and girlfriend and tried to wake them up.

"Guys? Come on... Wake up!" Tears formed in my eyes again.

"Uhh... He's alive..." the security guard pointed to Freddy.

I jumped off stage and hugged my friend as hard as I could.

"Brayden, it's great to see you and all, but why does my dick hurt?"

"Long story, which I don't have time for..." I ran back up the stage and checked on Chica and Foxy again.

Freddy nudged me and nodded his head towards the security guard.

"Let him live... Tonight..." I had an evil smirk on my face and Freddys started chuckling.

It's really hard to be sad around your best friend...

"What are you guys talking about?" the security guard asked nervously.

"Nothing..." I looked back at him and Freddy just started cracking up.

Foxy suddenly sat up to a jolt.

"Foxy, calm down." I put my hand on his shoulder, "And don't look behind me because I might've let the security guard live..."

He looked pissed

"Don't kill me..." I whined.

He looked behind me and started walking towards the security guard.

Foxy made the security guard look like a midjet. Freddy chuckled and nudged me. I playfully hit him back and we went back to watching Chica.

Then she sat up.

Five Nights at Freddys *FANFIC*Where stories live. Discover now