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━ appreciatedjohn deacon

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john deacon . . .

" lights will guide you home and ignite your bones, and i will try to fix you " COLDPLAY .


it's such a shame that being sick stops feeling cool after you grow up. that way you wouldn't be stuck in your apartment, feeling like life suddently has no meaning.

you had woken up that morning feeling funny, and chilly. your nose had kept you up late too, leading you to believe and hope that it was only a harmless cold.

but when you took your temperature and saw you were 100.9. yes, you were definitely sick.

you called your work to let them know of this and you spent the rest of the day curled up on your couch, watching whatever you could catch on tv. after lunch it got pretty boring. you were cold and alone, wishing your boyfriend was there with you.

but you had to fight the urge to call him because you knew that he was busy. he had a gig that night and he had band practice all day. john richard deacon was quite the perfectionist, which is something that stuck to the rest of his band as well.

you did call him later, just to let him kmow that you wouldn't be attending the gig due to you being sick. you were kind of preoccupied about how he would react to this because he tends to... panic when something's wrong with you.

and you know what? he did.

"no, no, listen, listen, john, i'll be fine. you have absolutely nothing to worry about. i'm just not going tonight. you gotta focus on having fun!,"

and he tried. he really did, you gotta believe it.

the gig went fabulously just like they always did but you were always present in his mind, even if it was only in a small almost unnoticeable corner of it. he kept wondering, how is she? i wonder what she's doing? not much, i hope... did she drink enough water? did she eat? then again, nobody cares about you more than john deacon, that's for sure. and you absolutely adored him for it.

meanwhile you were still home, but you had moved to the bed. you decided that you'd rather take a nap than be bored in your living room in front of a tv with nothing to watch.

you tried to read a little bit and ended up feeling very sleepy which is why you closed your book and laid down. breathing obviously became a little bit harder for you and you had to blow your nose with the tissues that you had neatly placed on your night table. you huffed in frustration, knowing that it wasn't gonna be easy for you to sleep in that state.

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