Ch 1 creature inheritance

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Harry's laying on his bed trying to figure out why his friends haven't sent him any letters over the summer. He looks over and the clock and sees that it's five minutes till his 17th birthday. He looks back up at the ceiling thinking about Sirius and Remus, he looks at the clock and it's 10 seconds till his birthday.
Suddenly he feels a sharp pain running through his body and bites his lip to hold back a whimper. 5 minutes later the pain stops and he feels like his gonna throw up so he gets up and goes to open the door, then he realizes he's gotten taller so he goes to his full length mirror and the corner of his room. His hair is jet black and straight but the same length, instead of being average height of 5.4 he's 5.10, he's a little more muscular, his eyes are dark blue instead of emerald green and his skins a little tanner.

He hears pecking at the window and looks over to see a barn owl. He walks over and opens the window, the owls flys to his desk and sticks it's leg out for Harry to take the letter. Then the owl flys away, Harry looks at the letter and sees that it's from Gringotts. He opens it and it reads

Dear Mr. Potter,
Congratulations on coming of age! We would like for you to come to gringotts at your earliest convenience to discuss your creature inheritance and your vaults.

Head goblin at Gringotts
PS this letter is a portkey just say 'gold' and you'll be taken to Gringotts.

After Harry read this he packed all his stuff and grabbed his wand the he sat down on his trunk and said 'gold' and felt the feeling in his stomach, then he felt the cold floor and looked around at Gringotts. He went up to a goblin and said " hello I was sent a letter from Griphook saying he wanted to meet with me" "ah yes Mr. Potter right this way" the goblin stepped down from his stool and took Harry to a room with Griphook in it. Harry walked in and once Griphook say him he said "Mr. Potter please sit we have a lot to discuss" Harry sat down and saw a dagger and a blank piece of parchment. "Ok Mr. Potter I need you to cut you palm and let 3 drops of blood hit the parchment" Harry did as he was told and watched as letter formed on the parchment. Griphook took the paper and went wide eyed and handed the paper to Harry it read:
Birth Certificate (fake)
Name: Harry James Potter

Mother: Lily Marie Potter née Evans

Father: James Charles Potter

Godfather: Sirius Black

Godmother: unknown

Creature Inheritance: none

Mate(s): none

Birth Certificate (real)
Name: Hadrian Tobias Snape-Greyback

Mother: Severus Snape-Greyback

Father: Fenrir Snape-Greyback

Godfather: Tom Riddle, Lucius Malfoy

Godmother: Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy

Creature Inheritance: Werewolf 90% Vampire 10% (sub/dom)

Mate(s): unknown human/Grimm (sub/dom), werewolf (dom)

Creature Inheritance: 100% (broken)

Magical core: 50%

Parent bond: 100%

Mate bond: 100% (20% broken)

Obliviate (keyed to by Albus Dumboldore)

Trust potion (keyed to Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley, Ginerva Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumboldore, the light by Albus Dumboldore)

Hate potion (keyed to slytherins, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, the dark by Albus Dumboldore)

Love potion (keyed to Ginerva Weasley by Albus Dumboldore, Molly Weasley)

To many

By the time Harry was done reading this he was fuming. "Is there any way to get all of this off of me?" "Yes Mr. Potter if you would put one drop of blood in this and drink it all this will be taken off" Griphook said gesturing to this clear potion. Harry pricked his finger and let one drop of blood drop into the potion. About 30 seconds later the color changed from clear to a dark pink, Harry picked it up and drank it one go. Once he was done he felt as if he was free. "Would you like for me to send a letter to your parents and tell them to come here" "yes please" Harry said with a smile. Griphook went out of the room to right to Severus and Fenrir.

Harry's POV.
I was really excited to meet my parents and my mates. When Griphook came back into the room he said my parents should be here soon. I was so nervous that my parents wouldn't like me that I was starting to get fidgety.

~time skip~
After about 15 minutes the door slammed open and I turned around and saw my parents. I stood up and went over to my parents and gave them a hug and they had confused and surprised faces. When we were done hugging Griphook said "if you all could sit down I would like to check to see if you all have any spells or potions on you it will only take a moment" my parents nodded and sat down on either side of me. They went through the same process I did and drank the potion. After they drank the potion my mum started crying and gave me a tight hug. "I'm so sorry for all the things I did to you all these years" he said while crying in my shoulder. "It's alright you didn't know and I'm sorry for hating you it was all dumb-as-a-doors fault not yours." My mum and dad laughed at the nickname I gave dumblewhore and so did Griphook.

     When we stopped laughing we started to discuss my vaults and my lord/heir ships. Griphook put a piece of parchment and a dagger in front of me and told be to drop 5 drops of blood on the parchment. Once again after I did that words formed on the parchment. It read:
Potter Vault
5,000 gallons taken out each month and given to Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Ginerva Weasley (by Albus Dumbledore
10,000 gallons taken out each month and given to Molly Weasley (by Albus Dumbledore)
5,000,000 gallons taken out each month and given to Albus Dumbledore (by Albus Dumbledore)
15,000 gallons taken out each month and given to the light (by Albus Dumbledore)




Once I read about the Potter vault I was so angry that there weren't even words to describe it. My dad shouted saying "IM GONNA KILL THAT OLD GOAT IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO" and my mum just hold me tight cursing under his breath. Before we left Griphook gave me all my lord/heir rings. The lord rings molded together and same goes for my heir rings. When we did finally leave we went to Malfoy Manor and I smelt the most amazing smells I've ever smelt so I started to walk in the direction it was coming from. Apparently I wasn't the only one that smelt it because i ran into two people and i look at them. They were Sirius and Remus, they pulled me into a hug and they both said "MINE..." and remus' eyes glowed gold instead of brown.  I said "yours all yours" with a huge smile on my face.

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