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My name is Elizabeth Grey, and this is my story.

I grab my keys and hurry to the door. I grab Caroline by the shirt and yank her along with me. "Were going to be LATE!" I urge as I pulled her to the car. "Ouch!" Caroline shrieks as I slam the door behind me. Caroline stops walking. "I forgot my lunch!" She whips around and runs back inside the house. I throw my hands up in exasperation. Seconds later, Caroline bursts through the door and jumps in the already running Ford. I drop her off at the Pine Corners Middle School. I watch Caroline sprint through the door.

And that was the last time I saw her alive. That very same afternoon Caroline was hit by a out of control car. I had a lot of friends. I was happy. All that was taken away when my sister was killed. My parents have been dead for a year now. Ironically, In a car accident. That means I have no one to hold me when I think of little, sweet, Caroline. My mother's not here to wipe my tears away. My father's not here to put on a brave face and tell me everything's going to be okay. I walk through the halls of Pine Corners high alone and broken. But then, I met Keegan Marks. Enough of the side bar. Back to the story.

I walk through the doors of the school just in time to hear the final bell ring. With a twist of my lock and a pull of a lever, my locker is open. I shove my lunch in the top shelf and slip into Mr. Worthing's English class unnoticed. The tweed loving teacher just prattles on about how Shakespeare is relevant to our lives today. I find my eyes wandering. And I notice a new boy in our class. I hide behind my textbook and stare for a bit. He is really cute. In a little kid sorta way. He is REALLY tall. Probably "6"2.He has shaggy blond hair and...a nose piercing? And his eyes. Steel gray and staring right at me. My heartbeat accelerates. I quickly look away, probably blushing profusely. When class is over, I practically jump out of my seat and out the door. Next hour is free period. I walk to my locker and put my books away. I hear a high pitched squeal behind me. My best friend, Alycia Banks, shuffles up to me and wraps me in a hug.

As I walk with Alycia, I find myself thinking about that New Boy. How I couldn't help but stare at his eyes, how my heartbeat increased tenfold when I saw him. Alycia and I part ways and I'm walking back to my locker when I round a corner sharply and trip. This clutzy move drives me straight into the arms of the New Boy. I'm stricken for a few seconds, staring down at the floor. Color floods my cheeks. I feel a finger under my chin. New Boy brings my head up to look at him. My skin is electrified with his touch.

"That's better. You can't properly apologize if your facing the floor." New Boy says. I'm taken aback for a second.

"Apologize for what?" I say, dumbfounded.

"Well for bumping into me of course." New Boy gestures to the floor where, I noticed, there are books strewn about.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." I say as I bend down to pick them up. I hand him his textbooks and our fingers touch for a brief second.

"What's your name? New Boy asks.


"Are you the girl whose sister got killed three months ago?"

My body goes rigid. I hate it when people ask me that. My eyes flash like they do when I'm pissed off. I can't help the surge of anger that overtakes me. I turn on my heel and stalk off.

"Wait!" New Boy calls. "I'm Keegan. I didn't mean to ask you that. But are you Elizabeth Grey?" I don't respond. I just keep walking. Unexpectedly, Keegan grips my shoulders and whirls me around to face him. A small gasp of surprise escapes my lips. I stare up into his gray eyes, which I find, are full of sorrow.

"Yes." I say quietly.



"How old was she?"


"What was her name?"

I lift an eyebrow. Why was he asking me so many questions about Caroline?

"Why would you care?" I asked.

"Well......My brother was driving the car that...hit..your sister. He was killed in the crash too." Keegan said, looking to see my reaction. I looked down, processing. When I looked up, I saw a look in Keegan's eyes that I never want to see again. Then, I did something that even surprised me. I reached up on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He hesitated, than his arms encircled my waist, hugging me back. I wish I could stay like this forever. Think about my sister with a pair of strong arms around me. My eyes filled with tears at the thought of holding my sister again. I released Keegan. I ran my fingers through my hair nervously.

"I guess I'll see you around then." I say, for lack of a better goodbye. Keegan's full mouth curves into a grin. Blindsiding me for a second.

"See you around." He says nonchalantly, like our moment never happened. I gather my bearings as he gathers his books and zips his backpack. I try my best not to watch him walk away.

(I'm so sorry for any mistakes. Please Vote and Comment)
Love, Anna

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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