Chapter 2

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Heller! How er u?

I don't really have much to say.... um.... I hope u like chapter, I guess?

Cheerful conversations filled the room, marking the end of the first of many long school days. The ecstatic students talking animatedly among themselves about things they planned to do once they returned to their dorms. Thanks to it being the first day of another school year the heroes in training didn't have too much work to do. Of course that didn't stop Iida from advising people to study hard.

Meanwhile Izuku plugged his headphones back in to his phone. He then scrolled through his music till he found a playlist he was satisfied with. He pressed play, once again ignoring his classmates to the fullest of his abilities. His desire to fulfill his social obligations, such as talking to Todoroki for the first time since last school year, shrinking by the second.

And thanks to Izuku's thirst for social interaction depleting, he let out quite a large sigh when he heard Todoroki call his name. He knew having at least one close friend would be important so instead of brushing it off, and pretending he hadn't heard, he turned around to face the taller boy.

"What's up Todoroki?" He asked casually, popping one of his ear buds out so he could better hear the response.

Todoroki watched as the wire fell to Izuku's side before asking, "Just wondering if we're gonna walk back to the dorms together." Something about the way he said it sounded slightly awkward and uncomfortable, despite the fact that it hadn't been an unusual thing to be asked by Todoroki.

"Yeah, sure." Izuku replied. He then took out his other ear bud, and proceeded wrapping the the wire around his phone. Once done he put it neatly in his own yellow backpack. He then stuffed his hands into his pockets, as he waited patiently for Todoroki to finish packing up. Luckily, it didn't take long, and soon Izuku and Todoroki we're walking out of the room together, leaving their fellow peers to their catching up.

"So, how've ya been?" Izuku decided to ask after a few long seconds of unbearably awkward silence.

Todoroki was quick to respond with a simple, "Good. And you?"

"Fine." Izuku said before deciding to ask another simple question so he could keep the conversation going, "So did you improve a lot over the break?"

"Yeah, I guess. My fire's a lot easier to control now." Todoroki said back, wishing that they could talk about something other than improvement. But when no ideas of what to say next came to mind he decided just to kept his mouth shut.

"Cool." Izuku responded, letting the conversation deflate as he had no methods of how to keep the discussion alive.

"Yeah..." Todoroki said. "How about you?" He asked desperate to keep talking to his green haired friend.

"I can control it more now." Izuku said honestly, getting swept up in his own thoughts. He had taken advantage of the break to train quite bit and he was proud to say he could now use about 9% of One For All. He looked down at his crushed hand, opening and closing it a few times. "But I still have a long way to go!" Izuku exclaimed, looking up brightly at the half and half boy next to him.

Because of the later of half of the innocent boy's unexpected reply Todoroki had been caught off guard and suddenly averted his gaze. Then Izuku, though he was confused, shrugged off the odd behavior and looked ahead.

Unknowingly being distracted by his own thoughts, what Izuku failed to notice was a certain approaching blond. The angry student was easily right in front of the pair by the time Izuku had turned his gaze forward, thanks to the green haired boy's lack of attention.

Though Bakugou hadn't truly bullied Izuku for at least a year now, as he noticed his ex childhood friend he felt overwhelming anger bubble up inside him. And so he intentionally bumped into Izuku's shoulder, an impact he made hard enough to knock Izuku off his feet.

Katsuki paused in the hall when deciding to yell harshly at the boy in front of him. "Watch where you're going, damn nerd!"

"Seriously Bakubro? You gotta do that?" Kirishima said, successfully interrupting the scene.

Bakugou snarled and tsked before facing forward and shuffling away all without replying to his friend. "Sorry bout that!" The spiky haired teenager said, gesturing to Bakugou with his thumb before looking away and proceeding to catch up to his blond friend.

Izuku sighed, knowing full well that it was on purpose. "It's fine." He responded quickly, hoping Kirishima had heard him. He could feel so frustrated because of the explosion boy sometimes. Could he ever escape the torment from Bakugou? Not that he really cared anymore. It's sad to say, but he had almost gotten used to it.

Izuku looked up at Todoroki, rubbing the back of his fluffy hair a little bit. "Kacchan sure is a pain sometimes."

With a nod of agreement Todoroki kindly offered his hand down for assistance to the green haired boy. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, Fine." Izuku confirmed, allowing himself to be helped to his feet. He slipped his hand into Todoroki's, somehow forgetting about past experiences for a second. And with the certain memory out of mind, Izuku was surprised and shocked when he saw color once again. Just like at the sport's festival, Todoroki's mismatched orbs of gray and blue were seen. Izuku retracted his hand in a flash, loosing the ability to see the color that had previously been displayed.

Izuku pushed himself onto his feet, then proceeded to sprint away from the half and half boy. "Wait! Midoriya!" Todoroki called, but to no avail as Izuku had no plans of returning.

Once Izuku had stopped running the first thing he noticed was that he had started crying at some point. He wasn't even sure why, but he fiercely wiped them away with his arm. Then seeing he had arrived at the dorms, he looked around at the familiar dorms. As thin streams of tears still made their way down his round face he slowly made his way back to his comfortable room.

After navigating his way through the building he finally arrived in front of the room labeled with a sign that said 'Izuku Midoriya'. He opened it up to see heaps of All Might figurines, posters, and other merchandise of the former number one hero. He walked in. He was sure he had never felt as relieved to be in his room as he did now.

He looked around at the scene in front of him. Clothes sat messily around the room, some yet to be put away, some in need of being washed. The bed hadn't been made yet, and the single window was opened, letting in fresh air. The room felt a little chilly, but Izuku didn't mind. 

And so he closed the door and dropped his school bag on the messy floor. Not wanting to think about past events he took out one of his only sources of comfort, his phone. He carefully unwrapped the wire, checking for any possible knots. He gently pushed the buds into his ears, plugged the wire into his phone, and played his favorite songs. A clam wave immediately washed over him and he staggered over to his bed. He wrapped himself in thick blankets and decided to try and ignore the rest of the world.

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Anyways... BYE BYE!

1245 words

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