Chapter IV: Field of Serpents

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These past few weeks have been hell for me even with this whole vampire thing. To be honest I missed being in sunlight. Feeling the warm rays hitting my skin and such. I can't tan at all. Even if I applied sunscreen I get burned easily when I was human.

Peter wouldn't return my calls at all. I began searching for a cure and haven't found anything. Then I texted Peter telling him it was important and he should call me. Moments after my phone rings and it was him. I answered it. I was eager and half afraid.

Peter: What is it? This better be important.

"I need your help. I need a cure. You were right, I was wrong."

Peter was silent for a few minutes as he responded after a while.

Peter: Do you have pen and paper on you?

"Yes, I do. Why?"

He told me to write down a certain address and I headed for that way. There was a shop in Queens that seemed to deal with whatever it is I have. It was a woman who seemed to know a thing or two about vampires.

Woman: You must be the one I was waiting for. Welcome. I am Maia.

"I'm Raea. Can you help me become human again?"

Maia: Yes. Peter has told me what you are. Don't worry your secret is safe with me.

She knows I have spider powers. How?

Maia: I have the things needed for the ritual to restore your humanity. Now come over don't be shy.

I was hesitant but walked over to her and sat across from her. She made tea and gave it to me to drink as a start to the ritual. It tasted okay but it burned my throat. Not sure what she put in it, but it seemed to help control my thirst.

Maia then placed me on a star-like pattern and told me to stay still. She needed vampire blood and my blood for the ritual. Since me and Peter share the same blood now, he came over and prick his skin to drop blood into a chalice.

Then it was my turn to prick my skin and spill my blood into it. She used her blood and other ingredients into the chalice and mixed it up.

Maia: Here we are. Drink up.


She rolled her eyes at me and handed me the chalice. I took the cup, Er the chalice and drank it all. Never spilling a drop. Then, I almost drop the chalice and Peter caught it before it hit the floor. My eyes and throat felt like it was burning up. I began to clutch my neck and felt like I was choking and out of nowhere, I threw up serpents which were the source of my vampirism. They were small snakes and I fell to the ground and they surrounded me. Maia slammed knives into them and they shrieked in pain.

Maia: Child of the Spider, I command thee your soul and humanity restored!! May the devil no longer have hold of you!! With this spell, I summon your soul to your body and mind. Return to the living at once!! -Turns to Peter-Quick, get the syringe!!

I felt like I was pinned down. My whole body was shaking and I can feel fangs almost slip back into my gums and ready to fade. Peter has the syringe and Maia quickly injects something into my neck and I screamed loudly. She held me down and I feel a fit coming on.

Maia: Quick hold her down!!

Peter: What's happening to her?! Why is she shaking?!

Maia: She's slowly changing to human again. Her powers will be restored as well. She's also a witchblade bearer.

They both held me down as I was shaking still. I was in a lot of pain and it was excruciating. Maia kept talking me through it and so did Peter. It lasted for almost an hour and next thing I know, the shaking stopped and I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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