"Happy birthday merry christmas "

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Awsten paced back and fourth thinking about how she'll react he was so anxious about the whole thing. He felt sick to his stomach.  " hey man calm down " Geoff said coming out of nowhere trying to get Awsten's hopes up. " trust me she'll love it we've heard the song and it's amazing so don't worry about it . " Geoff said trying to calm him . " yeah but like what happens if I mess up and embarrass myself or she doesn't even care, or if I forget the words or something. "

awsten said freaking out rethinking the whole thing. " come on dude she'll fucking love it have u seen the way she looks at you she's  fucking in love with you " . Geoff said being really serious. " yeah but im just so scared". " man don't be ok she'll love it believe she's in love with you " said Geoff and Otto excitedly . As soon as Geoff and Otto stopped talking Serena came marching in with a huge grin on her face . " are you ready for the show boys; I hear that you Awsten have a big surprise for me I'm so excited " Serena said with excitement showing teeth.

Awsten just smiles at Serena feeling warm inside. Still feeling nervous awsten walks up to Serena giving her a hug. After releasing his hug shortly after she looks up at him with a smile showing her pearly whites. " what's up with you lately." She says getting so deeply lost in his Multi colored eyes. " it's just you mean so much to me I don't wanna fuck shit up." He says looking into her eyes blue eyes occasionally looking down at her lip. Serena looks at him with concerned eyes trying to figure him out.

" W-What you mean Awsten." She says really worried trying to figure him out. As Awsten tries to speak he hears Jawn screaming saying it was his Q on stage. With a sorry look he gives Serena heading to the stage hearing all his fans cheering for him. He turns back to see Serena talking and laughing with one of the staff members. As Awsten turns away from it still walking to stage, he feels Jawn patting him on the shoulder. " hey man you got this I know how she feels about you don't give up." Giving him a shove to the stage.

Meanwhile Serena bumps into a girl with long blonde hair flowing to the middle of her back. " oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." Serena says looking up into the most gorgeous green eyes she's ever seen, making her heart skip a beat. " hey no it's ok I was in a hurry, I'm Lyndsay but call me lynn." She says with a smile. Serena looks up at her shaking her hand still gazing into her eyes feeling something, making her heart feel warm. Lynn begins waving A hand over Serena's face trying to get her attention. " shoot sorry I'm Serena it's nice too meet you." She says mentally embarrassed still kind of nervous talking to this beautiful human.

" mm I should really get going my friend is performing and I told him that I would be there for him ." Serena says looking at the girls beautiful long blonde hair wanting to run her Fingers through it. Serena shakes her head trying to get the thought out of it. " hey why don't I join you I like listening to other bands and see what they create." Lynn said showing teeth. " yeah sure I don't mind." Serena says taking Lynn's hand dragging  with her to the parx set.

Awsten spots Serena walking with a girl him not thinking anything of it, still jamming on stage watching his love jamming with the girl he's never seen before. He stops in mid song. " guys there is something I've wanted to say for the longest time. But I've never had the guts to tell this person how I really feel. She's the most amazing person ever. She's someone I never thought I'd find since my last relationship. Serena Marie Belle this song is for you." Awsten says bring her on stage in front of so many people pouring his heart out leaving Lynn at the side stage to witness the whole thing.

Light us up until we pop
I wanna burn bright until we're not
Let's keep each other safe from the world
I'll be your optimistic black hole
Full of love I can't control
Let's keep each other safe from the world
(From the world)
Happy Birthday
Merry Christmas
To the one I call my missus
I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen
That say it all
I know you said to mind my business
But Cupid sent me on a mission
That's got me sitting, wishing
Waiting for your call
Let's be lucky people, you and me
My hourglass is in your hands
You've got my time, you are my plans
Let's keep each other safe from the world
You've got me writing sappy songs
I used to laugh at on my own
Let's keep each other safe from the world
'Cause I know it's hard to let yourself be fine
When we carry 'round our worried, flurried minds
But I'll let go if you do too
Happy Birthday
Merry Christmas
To the one I call my missus
I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen
That say it all
I know you said to mind my business
But Cupid sent me on a mission
That's got me sitting, wishing
Waiting for your call
Let's be lucky people, you and me
My common sense is powerless
And I'm convinced that you have caught me
Luck is just the half of it
The better half of me that I couldn't quit
'Cause now I'm flying 'cross the country
More than monthly for you
You've got me more than clumsy
But you're my yellow, lovely
Happy Birthday
Merry Christmas
To the one I call my missus
I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen
That say it all
I know you said to mind my business
But Cupid sent me on a mission
That's got me sitting, wishing
Waiting for your call

Bodies and souls collide 🪐💓( Awsten x reader Lynn x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now