"What are we going to do?" Nicole asked. "we can't just leave because they" she pointed out the window, "Will follow us like bloodhounds." 

"I don't know what to do," Brett answered. "I don't think this has ever happened before." 

"ugh, why can't the world mind their own god damn business!" She yelled out in frustration, and as if right on time her phone rang, Nicole raced to grab it. "Hello?" 

"Nicole," Scarlett sighed into the phone. 

"Oh hey," Nicole responded. "Why are you on Chris's phone." 

"There is so much going on right now but you want to know why I am using Chris's phone?" She asked. 

"Well..." Nicole trailed off. 

"How are you doing?" She asked, Nicole and Scarlett's overall relationship was improving slowly, however, it wasn't as close as Nicole's and Chris's. Nicole, however, made a promise to herself to help improve their relationship, she didn't want to deal with this weird awkwardness thing anymore. 

"It's crazy, there are people outside my house." She said. 

"Outside your house? Well of course if the picture came from someone at your school, one person probably gave out your address." She sighed. 

"This is why I am an introvert who doesn't do anything, the moment I go out everything goes downhill," Ava said, causing Nicole to send a glare over her way. "Sorry," She muttered. Jasmine motioned for Nicole to put the phone on speaker. 

"Do you think this will die down anytime soon?" She asked. 

"It really depends," This time Chris said. "People are waiting for a response, and I haven't given one yet. The sooner I give one it will die out faster, or at least that's the hope." 

"What response would you be giving?" Brett asked. 

"That's the question." Chris sighed. "No matter what we say, I don't see a way out of this that won't affect Nicole in some sort of way." 

"If we have Chris announce that story, it will trend it will go everywhere, people at her school will start asking how she feels about it," Scarlett said. " The moment we give my name it will also increase." 

"Is there another option?" Jasmine asked. 

"One that won't send the world into a panic would be that Nicole is a cousin, we say that it won't be as exciting, or maybe even a family friend." Chris gave an option. 

"But if we do that, she can't fully bring you guys into her life in a more close nit family parent sort of way." Jasmine sighed, she knew Nicole was excited about the future. 

"If we want the world to believe the story then time spent together would become more and more... spread out." Chris said. 

"You mean I wouldn't get to see you guys as much?" She asked, she just got them back she didn't want to lose them. 

"It would allow your life to get back to normal," Chris explained. "We would still get to see you but things like your trip down here just won't-" 

"No," Nicole said. "Can't I decided how this goes down?" She asked. "I am going to be the one everyone wants a story from, shouldn't I decided what you say to the press?" 

"Scarlett and I live a very different life Nicole, and while we wish it was different it just isn't so doing this will be better-" 

"Better for who? I don't want to just have to spend less time with you guys just because the world doesn't like it." Nicole said. "I want to be able to visit you guys, in like two months no one would even care about this, by the time I go back to school it will be old news." 


"Please." She begged. "Can we just tell the world?" 

"Is this what you really want?" Scarlett asked a small bit of happiness in her voice. 

"Yes it is, I don't want to hide away from the truth anymore, from my truth." 

"Okay then," Chris said. "Jasmine, Brett? What do you say?"

"I say," Jasmine started looking at her husband who nodded his head. "If this is what Nicole wants then we will stand with her in full support." 

"thank you," She smiled to her mother. 

"Okay, I will call my publicist and we can have something set up on your trip over here," Chris said. "Are you sure about this?" 

"I am positive." She reassured. 

"Okay, I guess we will see you in LA very soon," Chris said happily before hanging up the phone to call his publicist about the news. Nicole looked up at her parents who were smiling proudly at their daughter. 

"Get ready, life's about to get a whole lot more crazy!" 

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