xxviii: make us both forget

Start from the beginning

"I am yours," she kissed him softly, putting a hand on his cheek, rubbing the stubble that she adored so much. "and you are mine. From this day,"

"Until my last day." He completed, and not a second later, he met his lips with hers once again, and everything was right. Outside of that room could have been millions of people pounding on the door, inside the room could have been people ridiculing them. There could have been people spitting at their feet and in their hair, even throwing horse shit at them. There could have been a rebellion at their doorstep, and they wouldn't have cared. They were in each other's arms, together, and that was all that mattered. All that mattered was that she was his and he was hers, from that day and until the end of their days.

He started moving his lips against hers with more fervor, more hunger, and she did the same. Their bodies were so close together that they almost looked like their souls, who were mashed into one. The snow and stars were finally coming together, mixing and creating something new instead of being destructive on their own.

Soon, clothes were discarded in the almost empty room from their bodies and to the floor, and he hovered over her, lips attached like their lifelines. "You want to do this now?"

She breathed out a shaky, fleeting breath, one that directly resembled her heart beat that he could no doubt feel. She had been with men and women before, but never anyone like Jon Targaryen. Her heart sang to his, her soul called out in darkness and light for his, and his to hers. They were meant for each other, and they would prove it to the Sisters tonight. She nodded her head, slowly at first and then quicker, more eager. She took off her small clothes and he did the same, and they simply looked at each other.

"We go to war tomorrow." His face dropped at the mention, clearly not expecting something like that. "Make us both forget." He didn't even had to recognize he heard it. The hands on her body and the kiss that he gave her said that for him.


They lay together under the torch light, naked and tired. Andromeda had her curly hair on Jon's chest, which was rising up and down with his breathing. He was stroking her hair lovingly, every so often giving her forehead a kiss. "Andromeda," He said softly, to which she so badly wanted to hush him. She wanted to enjoy the moment, to have him hold her like this was any other night that was leading up to the usual morning.

But instead, she said, "Yes?"

"I love you."

She chuckled softly, her baby hairs sticking down to her forehead after sweating. "My cousin, Tyene, she told me that a man either says that he loves a woman after... doing the thing with her, or he leaves her in the dust, never to think of her again."

"You know that wouldn't happen." He said to her, fighting the urge to smile. "I loved you not too long after I came here, that won't change after tonight. And I won't love you more or less just because of what you have between your legs. Only your heart can do that."

"Look at you, being sentimental."

"I'm always sentimental when it comes to you, dear Jenny." He flicked her ear and she checked up closed her him, her ear on his chest, listening to his heart beat. "You're not bothered by the scars?" He had forgotten about them in the heat of the moment, but now that they were just laying there, he couldn't help but think of them again.

  "I have scars, too. If a monarch had no scars, I would be scared."

  "Why is that?"

"Because that can only mean that they don't fight for their people, or for themselves." She said, pushing herself upwards and letting her hair fall around her face. "And you have done both." The sat in silence for a while before she laid beside him again, this time not directly on him. And for the first time in a long time, she began to hum.

   His eyes shot open at the tune, something he had heard before. It was from a distant memory, but it was still eerily familiar. But once she opened her mouth to sing, he realized that nothing he had ever heard before could ever compare to what she was singing. What shocked him more was that the woman who had sworn herself off from singing was singing, and to him. Not too long into the song, he realized it was Jenny of Oldstones, the song about the commoner woman who entranced Duncan Targaryen enough for him to lay down his crown and his titles, just to be with her. They had loved each other, and his actions showed it.

   She stopped singing, her divine voice still echoing in his mind. He opened his eyes slowly after hearing Andromeda sing, blinking slowly after being so enchanted by her voice. "J-Jenny of Oldstones."

    "Yes," She said, unmoving, and somewhat surprised by herself. Never did she think she would be singing again. "Jenny of Oldstones."

"That song is beautiful." It wasn't nearly as beautiful as her voice, but what could be? It was unmatched. Everything about her to Jon was unmatched. Her voice, her eyes, her hair, her hands, her feet, her smile, her personality, her soul. There was absolutely nothing he could compare her to, because everything else was inferior to her.

  "It was one of my father's favorites." She said simply.

"Oh," Jon said, swallowing. He felt guilty for enjoying something that she had always meant for her father, the thing that she felt connected her to her past like nothing else. But he couldn't help but to bask in the sound of her voice, singing or not. It was like laying out in the summer after a long winter, a feeling so coveted.

   "Do you know why I sang to you, Jon?"

"I don't." He answered candidly, not even bringing himself to feel nervous.

   "You once told me that you wished that you had someone to sing you to sleep when you were younger. Someone to sing to you, a mother figure. I'm not your mother figure, but I am that someone who would sing you to sleep every night if I needed to. No matter how much it reminds me of the past."

   He sat up, this time hovering over her. "Andromeda, you don't need to do that for me." His heart was warmed by her words and even more by her song. What she meant by it made him feel a strange sense of tranquility and giddiness all at once, like the feeling he got when everything lined up in place for him. Everything felt right in the world, in his world, in their world.

  "I will, if you need me to." She said softly, lifting her head up to peck his lips. "Because I know you would do the same for me."


so, yes. this happened! thanks for supporting this bs, also, we're almost done with this book! should be three or four more chapters or so :,) i love you guys so much for this, please don't forget to try my arya x fem!oc book! i love you guys :,,,,)

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