Chapter 12

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Everything was black. I could hear people talking and I could feel them in my proximately, but no matter how hard I tried I could not see anything. The ground was beneath me. The rustle of leaves krept closer until I felt arms hook under my back and my legs. Oh God. Please say this is James and not some creep that wants to rape me. Whoever was carrying me was running at a fast pace. They placed me into something hard and sturdy, kind of like a table.

I heard my name said several times. I kept trying to put faces to names, but I couldn't.

After a few moments, my eyes slowly opened. James was right there. We were face to face. I could see relief wash over him.

I sat up. My senses are better than I thought because I am on a table. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe. I know that even if the entire school made fun of me, James would be here for me.

He arms released from around me and he brought his hands to cheeks. "Don't ever do that again. You nearly scared me to death."

"I won't." I smiled. The thought of him worrying about me made me feel cared and loved.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive."

I began to gaze around and I noticed we were surrounded by people. I couldn't even see them there because I was so focused on him.

I placed my hand along his, and removed his hand from my face. I knew I needed to hide from everyone. I fainted in front of the whole school and everyone would be talking about me. I just needed to return to my normal out of sight, out of mind place in the social order of high school, at the bottom. I ran through the crowd, pushed past everyone until I was completely out of sight.

I realized I ran too far when I couldn't hear the music anymore and there was no sign of human life. My heart began to pick up the pace. I'm lost. I'm lost in middle of the woods. I have no clue how to get back there and everyone is probably preoccupied with having sex, drinking, and anything in between.

After a few minutes of wondering, I began to hear footsteps approaching. What if it is a bear? Or a murderer? Or a bear murderer? I have no idea what was out there and I wasn't going to take any chances. I quickly sprinted to the nearest tree and hid behind it. I closed my eyes and brought my head to knees as I sat on the ground. Please say this is all a dream or James coming. I don't know how much more I could handle tonight. What time is it? It's probably late and my parents will be so mad. I'm going to be in so much trouble if I can't find my way back. My parents only let me go if I called them every few hours and it has been longer than a few hours.

The rustle of leaves grew louder and louder. Go away! Why can't whatever it is just leave me alone?

"Hey are you alright," an unfamiliar voice asked.

I lift my head slowly and we make eye contact. It's this guy who I sort of recognized, probably from around school. He stood at least 5'10, with brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin.

I paused and stared awhile before answering. "I.... I'm alright. I kinda got lost and I'm just... um... having a rough night."

He reached his hands out as a gesture to help me up. I was apprehensive at first because I didn't really know him, but he was being nice, which was refreshing. I placed my hands in his and he helped me up. "Wait, are you Neveah?"

"How do you know my name?" I took a step back. Something seemed very off with him.

"We go to the same school. You're dating James."

"I don't know if we are really dating or not, it's all very confusing."

"He doesn't ever shut up about you. How did you get him so wrapped around your finger?" He began to creep closer and I proceeded to step back until I was against a tree. I was trapped. I was trapped in the middle of the woods with a complete stranger.

"I.... I don't know if I would say that. We um.... we just have a strong connection."

"So what did you do?" His face was really close to mine at this point. I could feel his breath against my neck. His mouth was right by ear.

"I don't know what you mean."

His hand grabbed my arm. "Yes you do. Stop acting dumb. He would never be with a girl if she wouldn't have sex at least. But he seems so infactuated with you, there must be more to it."

I tried to pull away, but I couldn't. I really should work out. "I really should be going."

"But you don't know how to get back, besides you haven't shown me yet."

"Show you what?"

"Whatever you do. You're so hot and I can't believe James is hooking up with you. You deserve to be with a real man who can show you the true meaning of pleasure."

"I'm okay. I really should be going."

"But we haven't had fun yet," he pouted. His free hand began to brush upwards on my thigh. I didn't know what to do. I was paralyzed in fear. I can't be raped. I can't lose my virginity to this creep. I need to be brave for once. Just breathe and do what you were always told and everything will be alright. I raised my leg and kicked him where it hurts. He flinched and groaned in pain and I took this opportunity to ran. I just kept running. Why are guys such pigs? Why can't I ever just meet a nice guy? After a few moments, I begin to recognize the area. I could hear the music. I was safe once again. I needed to find James. I couldn't tell him about anything that happened, but I just needed him to comfort and be there for me.

I walked through the crowd and searched for him everywhere. I couldn't find him. I hope nothing happened to him. As I kept walking, I saw blood. I hated the sight of blood. Why if he was hurt? This is probably my fault. It's always my fault.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm so so sorry for not uploading for awhile. I started school like five weeks ago and have been really busy, but I'm going to try writing a lot more. Thank you again so much!

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