Part 5

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Our mother managed to coarse the boy to give some of his blood and the ritual begun but the blood refused to move. We tried everything but the blood refused to move. We put a drop somewhere else but it would just coalesce and stay in one place.

Several theories came up but none favored him being alive. It was on this day that I saw my father defeated and my mother heartbroken to the point of loss of words. It was on this day with the Alpha king present, the magician Anewar was called and my father handed me his position.

"I Aru Peodolo swear to uphold the dignity of the pride in secrecy that warrants our existence, in care that continues our survival and with the instinct blessed upon me for this position. I will be true and loyal to all that I serve, in spirit and in body. I will look upon this day as the king of the pride with open heart and mind, in honour and integrity I vow to lead......." As I continued to make the vow, my sisters cried and my brothers looked shaken.

We had never thought he would be taken from us. Leo was a kind soul always had been. He hated injustice of any kind and in so many ways he'd made us softer emotionally. With him gone, our edges would be sharpened again and I couldn't see how that was beneficial for us. For the first time, my parents looked their age and the werewolf who apparently was the Alpha King's son looked broken. He hadn't shifted back and he refused to leave my mother's side. He'd not communicated to anybody. That was the day I became king.

That was the day the Ultra Light Pride would come to hate for the rest of their life. It was the day they got their ruthless king.

I don't know what happened to me but over time I became angry and bitter. It was five years down the line and no answers were available. I had not become mated when all my siblings were. They already left except for Agru whose mate was from the pride. I hated everything and could find no mercy for anything that moved.

My parents had moved to their dowager palace up in the ranges away from everything. They had heard stories but hadn't been able to question me. Something in both of them had died with Leo gone and they became afraid to even shout at any of us.

Leo's mate had moved back to his home and though he visited once in a while and made me seem approachable whenever he was in the pride, immediately he'd leave I felt lonely again and lost. My soul was gone and I felt hollow. Nothing seemed to fit that space. It was definitely clear that I was probably mate less and my siblings wanted to choose a mate for me but were afraid of my reaction.


"I saw Leo........" that small statement took the air out of our lungs.

Anchor had called us all for a meeting at the palace claiming he had very important news.

"What are you talking about?!" Aru shouted.

"Calm down unless you want to demolish the house." Jadra scolded him.

"My parents are seeking alliance with the wolves of the south so they asked me to visit. It was going to be for a long time so I enrolled in a school there for my master's program.

I was walking along the school hall when I saw him across the field. At first I thought I was day dreaming again but he was standing there playing football with some of his friends and every step I took towards him was heavy and I wanted to crawl.

The school is a mixture of shifters, mundane and some other supernatural so I couldn't shift. He was laughing and really looked happy.

I didn't know what was going on so I called him once I got near but he didn't respond. It was like he couldn't hear me so I walked right to him and tapped his shoulder. He didn't recognize me so he asked me what I wanted. I didn't know what to say so I just greeted him." Anchor continued.

"He doesn't have any of his memories. He woke up in a hospital five years ago and I don't think he knows about the supernatural. He lives with human parents who foster him, at least that's what we think. The man is the doctor who treated him."

"We will go get him now." Aru and Agru both growled and almost roared.

"No, we will not give him any reason to pull away from us." mother said. "We need a plan that would not appear too inquisitive even for him."

"We are supposed to go to the south for the pride meeting. Maybe this will be the best opportunity."Agru said

"That's true, this family vacation has been due too long and we also need to talk to you Aru in the way you have been leading the pride." father said and we all looked down in shame. Nobody had tried to reason.

"My family has a villa there we could use." Anchor suggested.

"Well then we better get packing." mom excitedly said and everyone scattered to go and get ready.


"Honey, don't you think you should start looking for a summer job?" my mother said as we sat down for breakfast.

"I already am searching for one. I want to work near the beach." I said knowing well she'd brought it up because she wanted me to work at the hospital with dad.

"Karen is going to be working with your father at the hospital." she tried to bribe me.

"Mum, Karen is wonderful but she is just not for me in that sense." I told her almost for the hundredth time. What I had not told them was that I could probably be gay.

I didn't know it either until the day that boy tapped my shoulders and I found myself in a pool of never ending brightness that was his eyes. He'd smiled and I went weak at the knees. He had looked at me like a long lost lover and called me a strange name.

"Leo, it is you." he'd said.

"I am sorry who are you again?" I asked, it was not strange that I forgot people sometimes.

"Hi, it really is you Leo." he said again this time with tears down his cheeks as he tried to smile and revealed the dimples that I wanted to kiss.

"I am sorry," I said and found myself wiping his tears.

"TJ can you finish up with the flirting" Simon shouted at me. I had forgotten my friends.

"You guys continue playing I will see you later." I shouted and pulled the guy with me to the bench where I picked my things and we left. I didn't even realize I was holding his hand and pulling him with me until I got to my car.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." I apologized.

"It's okay." he said and cocked his head to the side looking at my face which made me shy. "So your name is TJ?"

"Oh, yeah. I am Tyron James." I stretched my arms to greet him.

"Strange," he said, "I am Anchor."


"Yes, just Anchor."

"It's nice to meet you."

"Have coffee with me." he said and walked away. He didn't ask but sort of ordered which had me flustered for a minute but I ended up following him. He was the first man whose body made me tingle. I wanted to grab his butt and squeeze it. I almost did it but then he stopped and I found myself with head buried on his neck sniffing. He pulled me and then smiled before giving me a hug and announcing we'd arrived.

It was a small cafeteria and very few people were inside. He chose a table near the window and led me there. He ordered coffee for himself and milk for me which was strange since it was my favorite drink. However, he said nothing before our drinks arrived and we just looked at each other's face as if to memorize it. His lips looked kissable and I wondered how they would taste. Unconsciously, my hand had found its way to his and I was holding his hand by the time our drinks came.

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