Chapter 4

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Becky P. O. V

"So what were you guys talking about over there? I heard Seth kinda scream something, but I couldn't make out what it was. "Ashley asks

"I don't know, I was fussing with him about saying that I'm the man stuff, but he also asked if we could hang out more. "

I hate lying to Charlotte, but nobody knows about the disorder but me, Joe, and Jon. It has to stay that way.

Again, I'm sorry if I made anybody feel uncomfortable using the disorder again.
"Oh, okay. Is it like dating or-"

"Charlotte, you know I don't date within the company. And no, he just wants to hang out more often. That's all. "

"Hmm, if you say so. Anyway, wanna get some candy?? "

"I could have sworn that he just gave you Jolly Ranchers, you don't need anymore of that, I can see your eyes going crazy right now. "

Her eyes keep changing from brown, to blue, to green, and back. How?? I don't know.


"I promise you if you start that I will leave you here. "I say.

"Fine, I'll stop. But that was some really good candy. "

A whole freakin candy addict over here.

"You ready to go?? "

"Yeah, let's go "

Seth P. O. V

I walk back to the locker-room with a small smile on my face knowing I had made up for being a complete asshole to Becky. And Charlotte for that matter too.

"Hey man, what's with the smile? "Roman asks

"Nothing much, I just made someone's day. That's it. "

"Really? Is that someone Becky Lynch? "


You like her man, just face it!! "Dean says.

More like screams...

"Man, would you quit it already??"

"Hmm…nahh, I'm good. "He says cockily.

"Whatever. Well, I'm gonna get on my gear, maybe call her in the process."

"Okay, see ya loser!! "

"OFFENSIVE!! "I yell after walking off a bit.

I step outside the locker room to get ready, change my clothes, and go back.

"Feels good to be back in my shield gear. "I say happily.

"Yeah man, I feel you on that one. "Joe says

"Enough with the shield love bullshit alright?? Damn, let's just kick some ass!! "Jon exclaimed

Me and Joe laugh, and go to the gorilla.


Hii people!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter


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