Chapter 3

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Becky P. O. V

I slide into the ring and grab a mic from the time keepers area.

"Charlotte, Queen, are you done wasting my time? Or do you need more-"

She shows up on the screen.

"Please tell me this isn't another one of your pity parties where you talk about how I shoved you into my shadow and whatnot. If anyone knows what it's like to be in a shadow, it's me, I grew up in a shadow. I looked at you as one of the Four Horsewoman. As a pioneer of the Women's Revolution! You-"

"Blah blah blah blah blah Charlotte. I don't care to hear any of it ya big dope, but know when The Man comes around, it'll be to smack your empty head off your shoulders. "I say getting out of the ring.
The chapter isn't over, but I literally forgot what I was doing while I was writing. For those of you who knows what happened, just put it in there.

My theme song plays and I make it backstage. I'm met with Charlotte and Seth's confused faces.

"What? "

"The Man? I'm The Man. "

"Not anymore Rollins. "

"Oh Really? "

"Yes really, what're you gonna do about it? "I challenge

"Alright, you got it this time becks. "


"Really? "

"Yep. "

"Yay. Thank you. "

"No problem b. "

I say b alot, so it might just come out.

I blushed a little bit.

This cannot be happening…

"Earth to Rebecca!!!! "

"Huh? "

"You okay? You zoned out again. "
I'm fine I was just thinking about something ."I say.

"Char can I borrow her for a minute? "

"Yeah, why are you asking me?"

"Because I don't want to be put in the figure 8,that's why. "

"Oh, that makes sense. "

Seth P. O. V

I take Becky to a empty hallway (which is very rare when you're in the WWE)

"Umm, I don't know why I took you over here, I just wanted to be with you at the moment. I want to say something, but I don't know what it is. "I say

"Understandable. Are you okay? "

"I don't exactly know…"


"I don't know…I don't. What's wrong with me? "I ask.

"When is the last time you took the a d pill,Seth?"
For this story, Seth will be taking a pill for a bipolar disorder. No,  he doesn't have that(that I know about…)but it just popped into my mind a minute ago. I called it a d because those are the initials of a person close to me. Sooo, yeah. I apologize if I offended ANYBODY while writing this.

"I don't know, few weeks ago. "

"You know better Colby. "She scolds.

"I hate it, and you know that"

"Your health comes before this job Colby, I don't care what anybody says about that. "

"I'm not taking the damn pill!!!! "I yell

She flinches, and slightly turns her head.

"Who are you talking to? "

"Sorry Becks, I didn't mean to yell at you. "

"Yeah, sure. You have to take the pill Seth, it helps. "

"I know, I just don't want to. "

"Babe, just take the dam pill. Please?? "


"It just came out, sorry about that. "

"It's fine, but I have a question"

"Sure, what is it? "

"Umm, I kind of want to hang out with you more. Can I? "

"Yeah lass, I don't mind. Long as it isn't like a date or something. We work together and -"

"I understand Becks, there's nothing to worry about. Alright?? "

"Yeah. "

"So, we on?? "

"Yeah, we're on. "

Welllll, I apologize sooooo deeply for those of you who have been waiting on a update, I just started Highschool, and it is freaking BRUTAL!!!! I have band practice every day( except Wednesday), I kinda teach the new kids how to do the music(since they didn't go to band camp) and our first game is the 30th of this month and I'm terrified!!!! But I'm gonna try to do as much of possible(because homework is a reason as well).

SOOOOO, I love you guys and ☮️ out!!

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