The Warmth Of Tears

370 13 16

 (Art by Neytirix on

Water Sheep's POV-

   I felt dizzy. Images were flashing through my head. Did he drown? A guardian? No, he is still out there. He IS still out there. I tried reassuring myself, but it only made my stomach hurt worse. I don't care that its forbidden. I don't care if its not written in code. I love that dog, and nothing will get in the way of that. Not drowning, not a guardian. I exhaled sharply, looking around me. Joergen the Second seemed unsettled. The, um, cows and sheep, seemed, well...they didn't change. Signe was in tears of her dear lil' flower, and Theodore was sending a stare straight from the Nether to me. I looked back up to the player, who was freaking out.

"WATER SHEEP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed, like an Enderman in rain.

I flinched back, recoiling from his screams. He was right. It was my fault. I should've told him it was too dangerous. I should've told him about the temple with guardians. I should have told him about the magma blocks. Because of me, Sven may be dead.


  I sat in the echo-y cave under the ocean. I shivered as water seeped into my fur. I wonder what Water Sheep was doing. Was Felix yelling at him? Was he sad? I sure hope he wasn't sad. I hope no-one is sad. I sat, flinching a every drip of ice-cold water. I whined. I sure hope they can find me. I exhaled in pure fear of what would happen next. I turned away from the main stream of water flowing into the cavity. Out of the corner of my eye, something flopped right down. The red flopping mob landed at my paws. I screamed. 

Water Sheep's POV-

  I sat as Felix rushed around the base, asking meaningless questions, getting abundances of resources- all that. That's when I noticed him stop, press his arm to his face, and mutter:

"God-dang-it." He started, his voice rasping. "God-dang-it, Water Sheep. He's gone. Its all my fault." 

(This is, the part when I say not sorry, cause' I know what's coming next-)

  I looked up to the player. He was facing away from me now. He was choking out meaningless words by now. Everyone on the farm quieted down. Well, unless you count Theodore's stare about to set fire to my wool. 

*A lil time Skip, to the next episode. 7 I believe.*

'sub2pewdiepie12 has joined the game'.

Not one animal on the farm got a wink of sleep. As the player joined the game, he set off to Joergen. There could be two things going on- He's packing up and leaving, or he's going to save Sven. I know for a fact the player loves that dog to pixels, so the second is more likely. Sven, he's coming. We're coming.

Sven's POV-

As I look down, I realize its a fish. I press my head to the stone and whine. Fear. So much fear. I was scared of the cave collapsing. I was scared about being left here. I was scared of fish. I was of drowning. I was scared of dying so early. But mostly, I'm scared I've gotten Water Sheep killed, and its all my fault.

'sub2pewdiepie12 has joined the game'. 

I realized the player joined the game. My tail twitched a little. Maybe he was coming. I hope. 

*A little while later. (Sorry)*

I exhaled into the cave. It had been silent except for the drips of water. Suddenly, I heard a familiar Swede screaming, and something gliding in the water behind that. Joergen and Felix! My tail wagged. All I had to do was sit still and they would find me. 

I watched the player swim around the ravine, yelling my name, before returning to the surface. I barked, hearing the bounced from all angles. He got closer. I barked again. Closer. I barked multiple times, and he suddenly fell into the cavity.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD, SVEN!" He screamed relieved, wading over to where I was. He scooped me up and was squeezing me close to his chest. 

"Its okay Sven, its okay. I'm here now." He was crying.

I licked his face, and he laughed a bit. 

"Alright buddy, we're getting you out of here." He said, rummaging through his bag. He pulled out a lead, wrapped it around my body, like a harness. "You ready?"

I barked as a reply. He chuckled, happy tears dripping down his cheeks. 

"Lets go."

Water Sheep's POV-

The player had been gone for an hour at least. Maybe he did pack his bags and leave it all behind. I exhaled. Sobs, angry chants, and sniffling was ruling the base.

Before any of us knew what was happening, Joergen's thundering hooves, The Swede's excited yelling, and most importantly, Sven following after entered the base. Almost in unison, most of the base screamed,


I spun to face the wet dog, racing towards me. The swede entered his house.

"SVEN! Oh my god, Oh my god!" I baaed, feeling the tears threatening  my eyes again.

"Water Sheep, you're safe!" He exhaled, leaping into the stream.

"I'm sorry." We said in unison.

We were both crying.

"Lets promise to NEVER do that again." Sven laughed a bit in his tears.

"Agreed. I promise." I spoke.

"I promise." Sven replied, pressing his head in my wool.



Not sorry.

Thank you for all the reads and stuff. I wrote this just for fun, and you guys are just making this so much more fun to write. This may sound stupid, but THANK YOU. Thanks for commenting. I try to reply to them all, so don't be afraid to ask questions :D. 

Sail the Internet Safely,


Promises - Water Sheep x Sven (Yep.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora