Wet Wool!

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 *3rd Person POV*

    All of the animals in Felix's holding let out a sigh as it announced he had left the game. This was prime time to relax, sleep, explore, make friends, anything. Most animals took the time to sleep. But Sven was eager to explore his new home. He wanted to meet the barn animals and make friends! His tail wagged. He loved making friends! He wanted everyone to be happy, even if it would cost him a heart or two! Sven excitedly stood and bounded down the stair of master's home. 

 Well. Sven thought, seeing the door wide open. Felix must've forgotten to shut the door. He smiled to himself. He happily trotted to the open door and looked outside. What a pretty morning! The first things he laid his eyes on was two cows.. in a boat. How interesting! 

"Helllllooooooooo!" Sven barked happily, making his way to the cows.

"Hey, how you doing, boo. Settling in?" An adult cow spoke towards Sven.

"Its really nice here! Master treats me really nice and gives me food! I love it!" 

"Brother, I ain't the one to judge, but didn't red collars go out of season?" The younger one stated.

"I-I don't know. Master must've made a slip-up.."

"I think it looks great. Great lordie Notch, why did I have to get stuck with this cow of all of the others in the pen." She mooed dramatically.

Sven and the older boat cow chuckled, while the other cow snorted.

" Oh dear! I almost forgot! I'm Signe, and you must be Sven!" The older one spoke apologetically, extra as usual. 

"I'm Theodore, which means God's gift and-"

"For Notch's sake, must you continue your sob story?" Signe mooed boredly.

"Nice to meet you, Signe, Theo, I want to meet others. Good day!" Sven yipped, trotting off from the cows.

"Notch bless!" Signe called.

"IT'S THEODORE, NERD." Theodore called after him.

Sven rolled his eyes and snickered at Theo. He came across the cow pen. Around the same time, the sheep and cow were a bit cramped..





And many more sayings. Nevermind, then. Sven slowly backed away, walking past Signe and Theo. A horse. Diamond armor. The armor sparkled in the mid-morning sunlight. This must be Joergen the second. Felix's beloved horse, replacing Joergen the first. Respectable horse, from what he had heard. 

"H-Hi." Sven barked to the horse. 

Why was he nervous? He's never been nervous before. What was going on? Its just a horse. Its way taller than him. What if it steps on him? What if it doesn't- GAH. Sven shook his head to clear his mind.

"Greetings fellow Brolander." Joergen the second spoke formally, looking down at Sven.

"From what I hear, you're  the exquisite flower of Broland." He spoke again.

"Ha-He..Uh. So you're Joergen the second? From what I hear you have pretty big hooves to fill! And from what Felix says, you do a fantastic job, sir."

Joergen chuckled. "My largest of thank yous, Sven." He nodded. "One legend to another." 

Sven nodded in reply. "Now, sir, if you'll excuse me to explore."

"Oh of course. Safe discoveries." Joergen neighed.

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