01 - Introducing,,,,, the BABIE

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Taeyong Lee-Stark was 6 when his mother died and he had to go live with his father, Tony Stark. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark who was not ready to have a kid on his door step. This story follows Taeyong as he tries to better his relationship with his father but also try to live in a world where either everyone hates him or loves him.


Taeyong didn't remember much of how he came to be in Tony Stark's Malibu mansion, or in his work place or such high-end, luxury hotels... wherever his father went, he was dragged too (unless it was for work in which case he was usually in the Malibu mansion). He did remember sirens and crying, and feeling terrified and tired. He didn't remember his mother, whom apparently died when he was coming back from school. He would remember seeing Tony look at him whilst the police filled him in and taking hold of Pepper Potts' hand as she took him into a very nice looking car.

Nicer than Johnny's mom's car. He loved Johnny, and he loved his little brother Mark too. Taeyong wished that if he had an older brother it would be Johnny. He loved Johnny so much he practically cried and begged not to be separated from his neighbour when he realised that he was going to be living with the genius, playboy, Mr Stark permanently. Taeyong had remembered Mark crying because he was so young and didn't understand what was going on, but he did know that Taeyong was leaving.

Taeyong remembered Johnny's mother, Mrs Seo wanting to take him in, but she didn't have enough money to take care of three kids. But, Mr Stark did. He didn't know much about fathers but he did know that Mr Stark didn't act like the ones he saw on TV. He was used to getting tucked in bed, with the corners of the duvet also tucked under his feet just as he liked it to be. Mr Stark didn't do that, he made that very clear when Taeyong asked. But then again, Taeyong didn't expect him too, his mum didn't do that either. It was Mrs Seo that used to tuck him in at night. She would kiss his forehead, but make sure to kiss his hair because he didn't like his skin feeling sticky from her lipstick.

The boy let Ms Potts tuck him in, but she did it haphazardly. She didn't tuck the duvet under his feet right, so he sat up and did it himself when she left. He didn't dare ask her to kiss his forehead like Mrs Seo did, and cried the first night, and the night after that and the night after that. He stopped when he met a tall and round man whose name was Happy. Happy was calm but funny and reminded Taeyong a bit like his mum. She was always out and her words were slurred; it'd make Taeyong laugh when he tried to have a conversation with her when she was finally home. But she always wrapped her arms around him and rocked him back and forth, tell him stories in such a weary way as if she was far into fairy land she forgot she was just in their dingy living room.

Happy was like that (the calm and gentle part at least)—so after that week—Taeyong asked Happy to tuck him in. He explained to the man how he liked to be tucked in properly and sat up again to demonstrate. When Happy stood and bid Taeyong goodnight, the younger squeaked out a little requested between his small six year-old lips. "Goodnight kiss?" He had the duvet almost covering his nose because he was so embarrassed, but Happy complied. Taeyong had to explain that he didn't like lips on his skin so he had to carefully kiss him on his hair.

"But on my left side," the younger instructed. Happy smiled patiently, nodded silently and kissed the younger on the left side of his forehead. Happy was now in charge of tucking the younger to bed.

Taeyong didn't ever lose contact with Johnny or Mark. Even though Mr Stark didn't have time to show Taeyong an ounce of love he so desired; the billionaire paid for his two younger friends education. They went to a private school close to the Malibu house that Mr Stark lived in and Taeyong could meet them all the time because they visited every day after school. He loved them both very dearly and wanted to thank Mr Stark but he hadn't said a word. Pepper tried her best to take care of Taeyong; but trying to balance a company, Mr Stark himself, and a child on top of that? Taeyong just hung out with Jarvis. Mr Stark didn't find the need in hiring a nanny when Jarvis was fully capable of taking that role.

[1] Taeyong Lee-Stark and the League of SuperheroesWhere stories live. Discover now